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lubriderm reaction

What does the lotion "Lubriderm" contain that would cause an allergic reaction- redness swelling of hands & face- even palms?  I am confident that this was from the Lubriderm as I wiped off an excess of the lotion on the side of my cheek and my cheek was red and swelling.  My hands were worse as I had applied double the lotion when I started to itch -I thought it dryness due to the cold.

I have taken benadryl, the swellingof my face has ceased but my hands are red and blown up like a baloon and terribly itchy.

have you heard of this before with Lubriderm?
26 Responses
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I’ve been using fragrance free Lubriderm on my hands and arms every day for a while and now I have tons of hives on both of my palms and a good amount on both of my arms. It’s EXTREMELY itchy and some spots are raw and bleed, I’m so upset. I can’t even sleep or think straight most of the time and my hands look like I’m turning into a zombie. I’m glad I found this community, gotta just heal up now.
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Hey there. I used lubriderm for years. I just read something that it has some maybe parafin in it? I"m trying to remember. I think some people get rashes from it. I never did. How long were you using the lubriderm before getting the hives?
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My doctor was having me use Lubriderm for atopic dermatitis. I had HORRIBLE reactions but did not realize it was from the Lubriderm. I did not figure this out for nearly 3 years. I finally went to a different dermatologist who told me to STOP EVERYTHING. I was healed up in a month. My reactions to Lubriderm included hives, puffiness, blisters, cellulitis, and faintness. One morning I was dry heaving. That was when I was referred to a research dermatologist who had the answer.
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I believe I’ve finally figured out why I develop an itchy rash on my face.  The itching feels like hives and turns into some pimples that also itch.  This allergic reaction takes 5 days to clear and is the result of using Lubriderm lotion.  I used to use the fragrance free version with no problem, but I now see that the one in my travel bag is the fragrances version.  This fragrance is poison in my opinion and after reading the EWG rating, I plan to change brands.  This product has caused me a lot of discomfort and misery.  I have not been able to put anything but water on my face for days.
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Got rid of Scented Lubriderm and now reacting the same way to Febreze that was in a hotel room.
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I was wondering if anyone's had any itching in an area where they DIDN'T apply Lubriderm. I've been using the lotion for months now. I put it on my arms, legs, hands, and feet, but I've been having horrible itching and redness in the sensitive space between my chest and armpits. I don't apply anything there, but that's the only thing I can think of that would be causing this reaction...
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I had a severe reaction to Lubriderm back when I was in college in 1998/99.  I put some on my cheeks and woke up the next morning to my eyes swollen shut.  I somehow got off the top bunk, threw on a hat, and trudged across campus to health services where they totally wigged out.  They thought I shouldn't be breathing with the condition I was in.  Got one of those steroid blister packs where you take a bunch the first day and ween off in about 6 days.  My eyes were shut for 3 days.  Never touched the stuff ever again.
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I had a severe reaction to Lubriderm back when I was in college in 1998/99.  I put some on my cheeks and woke up the next morning to my eyes swollen shut.  I somehow got off the top bunk, threw on a hat, and trudged across campus to health services where they totally wigged out.  They thought I shouldn't be breathing with the condition I was in.  Got one of those steroid blister packs where you take a bunch the first day and ween off in about 6 days.  My eyes were shut for 3 days.  Never touched the stuff ever again.
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I'm looking for answers to the Lubriderm lesions... and how to have skin that I don't want to scratch off...

Have you found any remedies?
Specifically, for itchy skin?
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A lawsuit? Really? I am allergic to peanuts and would never sue peanut farmers I just stay away from them. How about finding out which ingredient you may be allergic to and then avoid it? Or, just threaten to sue every company that uses that ingredient in thier lotion. Come to think of it, I should sue Jif and Skippy and all of the bakeries that use peanuts and of course Reese's....get the point? It's a medical condition you can take care of all by yourself.
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Another Lubriderm victim here, so glad I found this thread! Used the Lubriderm Soothing Relief 2 nights ago and woke up the next day with small red bumps all over my arms, stomach, chest and especially my back! Cannot stop itching. Took an oatmeal bath and some Benadryl last night with no relief. Guess I will be going to buy a cortisone or Benadryl cream and hoping that it starts clearing up!
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I had a severe allergic reaction to Lubriderm Advanced Therapy. So severe I almost went to the ER. Benadryl started working almost immediately and a prolonged cold shower with Aveeno soap also seemed to help. It was three days ago and I still have a rash in some places. I've never seen my palms get so hot and red before. Everyone needs to complain to Johnson & Johnson. I have & threatened a class action suit for endangering lives!
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I am currently dealing with a similar reaction to lubriderm. I usually apply lubriderm to most of my legs and arms daily ,but recently some spread to the inside of my thighs and the surrounding area when I tried applying some there. The area is bright red ,swollen and incredibly itchy. I found running the area under cold water stops the itchiness for a few minutes but is mainly useless. I had a very similar incident a week ago and it went away after 3 days. Since this has happened I am throwing away the Lubriderm and switching to a different brand of lotion. It is incredibly uncomfortable because this is an area of high levels of motion.  
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Add one more to the list of Lubriderm victims.  I used my wife's Lubriderm Advanced Therapy lotion on my arms due to some dryness from the cold winter weather.  The next morning I woke up with red bumps all over my arms where I had put the lotion.  Like others described, widespread red bumps that are itchy and full of heat.  

I've been using benadryl cream for a few days now and it's slowly subsiding.
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Wow, am I ever glad to come across this forum. I used Lubriderm regularly for a couple of years. I've experienced rubber-legs and blurry vision. Two days ago I woke up with a swollen face, particularly around by eyes.  I went to the doctor thinking that it was a reaction to shell fish (prawns) and was given Benedryl. I used lubriderm again last night a woke up with major swelling around my eyes. I look like someone who got beat up real bad.

Anyone know of successful lawsuits?
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4972238 tn?1433528027
Another Lubriderm victim here: late last month I started using this crap for the first time, and within a couple weeks developed godawful rashes and intolerable itching just about everywhere.
I printed out the list of ingredients and saw a dermatologist, who pointed to "fragrance" as the only culprit.  Anyone have a dermatologist with a different opinion?  It seems too simple an answer to be definitive, especially since most mainstream versions of Vaseline also contain a mention of "fragrance" and never gave me this problem.
FYI, here are the listed ingredients of Lubriderm Daily Moisture (the plain one): Water, Mineral Oil, Glycerin, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Phenoxyethanol, Panthenol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Dimethicone, Carbomer, Ceteareth-20, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Citrate, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Fragrance, Citric Acid, Ethylparaben
In case it's relevant, I'm Asian and 32 years old.
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I have suffered for 2 month of burned facial tissue and blurry eyes before I figured out I am allergic to something in Lubriderm. BTW, I have no other allergies.
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1973814 tn?1325970584
I suffered a violent reaction to Lubriderm that went on for months. I was not aware that was the culprit.  I went through patch-testing and was found to be allergic to Budesonide, which is used as a preservative in many lotions, creams, and powders.  It might be one of the hidden ingredients under a different name in Lubriderm.  Thank God I had a great dermatologist willing to patch test.  I quit using EVERYTHING on my skin and I am fine now.
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I bought a bottle of Lubriderm in the (New Look) plastic bottle early this week.  I applied it to my face and rubbed it in before going to bed.  By the time I woke in the morning my eyes had bags on the cheek bones that looked like they were filled with water.  I was red down to my chest and had to go to the Doctor for an antihistimine shot and a treatment with Prednisone for seven days.  Now don't you think that someone from Lubriderm would post a warning about this?  I'm not allergic to any other face cream I've ever used but wanted something for my extra-dry skin.  Well I used to use my wife's skin cream that cost $70 a bottle and thought what a waste.  Now I'm going to go back and buy some for myself as the Lubriderm is liable to kill me if I use it again.  It is five days later and my skin is peeling, my eyes still burn and I have two days of prednisone left.  Thanks Lubriderm.  Tom Cantwell, P.O. Box 1144, Morro Bay, CA 93443
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Phenoxyethenol's side-effects match my experience after using Lubriderm on my scalp and neck on three or four occasions before going to bed.  The following mornings, after just moderate activity, my legs suddenly went rubbery and I found it difficult to maintain my balance and walk properly.  Only on the fourth occasion did a lightbulb go on and I realized that these episodes might be triggered by the Lubriderm.  Sure enough, phenoxyethenol is linking to neurological disturbance.  Apparently by slathering it all over my (bald) head and neck, as well as arms and legs, I'd managed to introduce enough into my system to cause an extremely disturbing side-effect.  Un-f***ing believable.  This ingredient should be BANNED from any consumer product.
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My entire front upper body is itching and I just cant get it to go away after using Lubiderm with oats. I never experienced this before. Stay clear of this product by all means.
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I wish Lubriderm puts a warning for innocent public. I have had so many sleepless nights and puffed eyes, lack of concentration at work, irritation at home because of the severe itching it caused. That's the problem in living in advanced coutries. Manufacturers use people as guinea pigs for thier  products. Bad. Very bad. Life is as such not easy. And selfish careless manufacturers people like this make it bad.
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I am suffering from severe allergy - itching and pockets of heat in my body since last 2 weeks. I started using Lubriderm around 4 weeks back. I believe Lubriderm is giving me all this horrible trouble now after reading all this - until now i was suspecting and doing internet search on all possible reasons for this uncalled for itching and pockets  of heat in body.
My husband and I use and eat all same things. He is fine. And that made me wonder what I was doing different than him, to have such bad itching and sleepless nights. Now I recall, a few weeks back my moisturizer was over and I started using Lubriderm. That expalins and the above testimonies from so many different people too.
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A preservative system, introduced in the United States in 1990, is methyldibromoglutaronitrile/phenoxyethenol sold under the trade name of Euxyl K-400 is used in lubriderm which can lead to allergic reactions.
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Do you know of skin care products that do not contain this? Thank you
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I too have had a rash or break out of ichy redish bumps having used Lubiderm lotion.  This happened to me once about three months ago.  I didnt know what caused it and it took forever to go away.  My doctor ended up perscribing a steriod because I was itching horribly and so uncomfortable I could not sleep.  I used the lotion again two days ago and the rash occured again.  So now I know what caused it.  I have no idea what ingrediant in the lotion caused it.  If anyone figures it out this would be helpful to me.  And if there are any other helpfull remedies other than going to the doctor for a perscription that would help.
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I realize that the post is quite dated but I am new to this community. Have you looked in to a possible allergy to Xanthan Gum? My son had a similar reaction and this turned out to be the culprit.
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