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Chronic Red Eye

My eyes have been red for like 5 months now. I've been to different doctors and they all thought it was allergies. Then, I did a lab exam, which said I have predominantly neutrophils, rare eosinophils and staphylococcus epidermidis on the eyelids, although the "conclusion'' of the exam said it was allergy, not infection or anything like that.

So, doctors made me try taking Patanol, Elestat and Lastacaft, and none of them worked. So I'm quite worried about that staph thing in my eyelids. They didn't not tell me to use antibiotics or anything, just the allergy drops. Could this be the reason for my chronic red eyes?
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Hi there,

I have an idea for you. First of all I goggled the question " What are
neutrophils ? which brought up a number of websites. Now, I found
a website called www.wisegeek.org. What I like about the site is
that they have a box where you can enter in conditions and information
and terms you're looking for. Anyway, I entered the words from your
lab results namely, neutrophils, eosinophils, and staphylococcus epidermidis on the eyelids. I thought the information they provided
on this website was interesting and helpful. In some cases you can
see pictures too with the explanation. Maybe you'll find some answers
there to help with.  I wish you well.    Eve
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Hello Ramon700,

I just finished reading your comments.  Just an idea. Perhaps you could ask
your family doctor for a referral to an eye specialist. Based on your comments, it sounds to me like you need something stronger than allergy
drops. Five months is a long time to have red eyes.  Good luck to you. Eve
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First of all, thanks for answering. What would be something stronger than allergy drops? Also, the doctors I've been to, they are eye specialists, that's why I don't know what else to do. None of the meds seem to work :(.
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I've been to another doctor, she said my eyes were red mostly because they were dry, but that there still was some allergy. Now I'm using a lubricant for dry eyes, although I didn't see much improvement so far. Been doing that since 3 days ago. I'll also keep using Lastacaft, since my doctor said there was some allergy.
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