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Chronic hives

I am now going on having chronic hives for 8 years.  I do have allergies, but have seen allergists, dermatologists, general practioners, etc.  I've been on predinesone, benadryl, attarax,doxepin,zytec, etc., etc.  Nothing worked.  I finally quit taking everything and take Benadryl when I can't stand it anymore.  My hives cycle and go from the size of a pinky nail to plates, there is not a place on my body that I've never had one.  I've been tested twice for Lyme's, thyroid, lupus, etc., everything comes back negative...my doctors state I'm in the "theory" categories which have to do with marker cells coming too close to the mast cells, etc.  I just feel like there's some reason.  If anyone has any ideas for what this could be I'd appreciate it.  Hot showers seem to cause them to dissipate.  I've also been tested for vasulitis - negative...  thanks.
3 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi sulla1.
The rule of thumb that I use when approaching difficult issues like yours is:
When there's no cure or relief by the traditional medical solutions offered
Holistic therapy will be effective. Time and time again  I've come across
I'm not a Doctor ( In a way I'm glad I'm not), however, I have studied Holistic Health,
Energy Medicine and Psycho-spiritual Therapy  for thousands of hours, have done tons of research, participated in workshops and training sessions.
As a practitioner of different alternative health modalities now I'm able to help people with various health challenges in a more meaningful and result oriented way.

Your situation is probably not unique and it pertains to the  Immune system that needs to be restored.
It is mainly an Energetic issue. You body's Energy system is out of balance.
Re-balance the Energy system and the "Faulty" program will  get deleted. This way your Immune system gets restored and it responds normally again and the Allergies just disappear.
Check my other posts for more info regarding this.
Post again if you have questions.

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, recurrent attacks of hives suggests Hereditary angioedema (HAE), which is a rare genetic disorder resulting from an inherited deficiency or dysfunction of the C1 inhibitor. This may be associated with laryngeal swelling leading to respiratory obstruction. Hence, it is important to rule out this condition.

It usually involves three types of attack like-

The skin (cutaneous attacks)
The gastrointestinal tract (abdominal attacks) and
The larynx (laryngeal attacks)

There are certain known triggering factors like ACE inhibitors, stress, excitement, cold exposure, prolonged sitting or standing, and ingestion of certain foods. Hence, you need to identify this triggering factor and avoid the further exposure.
C4 and C1 inhibitor antigenic levels are recommended as initial screening tests in the patient.

Treatment options available for the acute attack are, C1-inhibitor [C1 esterase inhibitor replacement protein (C1INHRP)], Plasma and Antifibrinolytics against prescription.
I suggest you to consult immunologist for further evaluation. Take care and regards.
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Thank you so much for your responses.  I will investigate these further.  God bless you both for your direction.  

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