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Cold Like Symptoms And More

Yesterday morning my nose started itching on the inside. Just thought it was my allergies to pollen acting up. This was about 9:00am. At about 3:30pm went to pick up my son from camp. Got home and started sneezing which produced a huge amount of mucus. A little after that my nose started running and had to blow it about every ten minutes. About an hour or so later I had extreme itching on the base of my left palm. Not the whole palm but just the lower base just above the wrist. Then after another hour or so I started getting pain in both hands, sometimes in the joints and sometimes though the top of the hand from the wrist to the base of my fingers. I also got nauseous once but only that one time and it only lasted about 5-7 minutes.

I thought I was having an allergic reaction to something I came in contact with in the park where my son goes to camp. I took some benedryl  and fell asleep. Woke up this morning with the same symptoms except now my neck is stiff and quite sore. I have also developed a mild cough but I only cough once every hour to hour and a half. I have not had any headaches or chills. I do sneeze a lot and the itch on my palm comes and goes. It won't itch for several hours and then all of a sudden it it itches intensely for about 10 minutes then stops. My nose continues to run like a faucet having to blow it every few minutes. Any help would be appreciated.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Could be allergies . environmental possibly ..most states are being bombarded by the aerial Spraying programs they have going, I have a journal up about them, so has ginger899 her sis called :What on Earth are they Spraying" read also do some research on chem trails .Good Luck
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Well I live in Los Angeles right in the heart of the San Fernando Valley (Van Nuys) which is all concrete jungle so if they were doing any aerial spraying I have no idea what for. Isn't aerial spraying done on large fields? Oh well I'll do some checking on these chem trails and see what I find. Thanks for your response.
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