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Dermographism and allergies

I've had dermographism ("skin writing") for a couple of years now.  About a year ago I noticed that, every once in a while, the bottom of my feet and the palms of my hands itch and burn.  It doesn't happen all the time but it's very uncomfortable when it does.  When it is more severe, I get hard lumps under my skin.  When they are on the bottom of my feet it feels like I'm walking on golf balls because they are so hard.  It might stay like that for an hour or so, then it goes away.  Does anyone know what these 'lumps' are called or what I'm experiencing?  I'm going to an allergy specialist next week so I'd like to clear all this up.  Thank you in advance for the replies.
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I am new to Dermagraphism 2 weeks now. I wound up in the ER since they were all over my body and my hands were swollen.  This NEVER happened to me I did the large doses of prednisone tappering down over a 10 days period My MD gave me Allerga 180mg daily plus Pepcid at night Pepcid is for stomach problems  but is an H2 recptor see link>>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H2-receptor_antagonist  These do seem to help some  but I still have itching daily.  From what I have read so far this  is not caused by an "allergy" to anything  it is the act of the touching that causes the welts.  I just hope this is not a life long problem
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Thanks for the replies.  I don't think they are calluses because it usually happens when I'm barefoot.  I'll walk in the driveway (concrete surface) and I usually get the hard lumps after that.  But it's weird, because I get them on my palms as well.  I'd love to know know more about it...
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535822 tn?1443976780
I also have Dermagraphism, some days it doesnt appear and then somedays it is there again, I have diagnosed myself, also with Chronic Urticaria, I started to get this after Dental work in Mid May, I am trying to find out what I am allergic to, I have been the Hydroxyzine route and it makes me sick also they advised me to take Steroids which I am not going to do, do you get it in your head? I would be glad of any feedback from a fellow sufferer and any ways you have helped your self.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Burning feet and lumps under the feet can have several different causes like you may be having sensitivity to the fabric or leather dye in your shoes or socks, or even the detergent used to wash your socks. Also it can be due to improper socks textile.

It may be due to calluses also. A callus is a rough, thickened patch of skin.They occur most often on the heels and balls of the feet, the knees, and the palms of the hands. However, they can develop on any part of the body that is subject to repeated pressure or irritation.

After walking, immediately change out of your shoes and socks, allowing the shoes to dry.You can use warm compresses and anti inflammatory pain relievers such as aspirin or acetaminophen ( if you are not allergic to aspirin). Try changes in your shoes, socks, and insoles and rotate your shoes and socks, both between walking sessions.

If the symptoms still persist then pls consult a physician for a thorough check up and diagnosis to rule out peripheral vascular disease and diabetes.

Hope it helps.Take care and regards.

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