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Can you help me understand what this can be?

I woke up one morning in a hotel room with two red bumps on the front of my neck below my adam's apple. These bumps are not itchy but do get more itchy when I touch or itch them. I've seen a doctor who thought they were superficial and allergy related. With medicine, prednisone, the bumps eventually becomes dark red and eventually fade away to a darker version of my skin but I am concerned due to the fact that now there seems to be a long vertical solid line in the skin of my neck which can be felt not seen. It extends 5 inches and now the two red bumps have started to recurr once the previous ones have gone away. I'm concerned as to what this maybe.
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209987 tn?1451935465
I hope you have found an answer. If not, I would suggest seeing a specialist.
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