1456780 tn?1310146897

Difficulty breathing?

have to take medium hard breath, i do some ciggs but i cant breathe when am still,sitting down or trying to sleep or when trying to talk a lot or cant talk much need to take my brethe, i slee well sometimes i dont happen but it mostly yea. i do have mild axiety problems and take medicine, but am 21 yeras old male
2 Responses
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I am experiencing a similar thing at the moment... I also smoke... I visited my GP who has advised that it is anxiety.  Do you also get a feeling of tingling in your face or hands?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to forum, the symptom you are having is known as dyspnea (difficulty in breathing). The possibilities are Bronchospasm (bronchial asthma), pulmonary embolism, Pneumothorax and chronic bronchitis (This seen commonly in chronic smokers) and even cardiac causes like Congestive heart failure and Cardiac tamponade can cause breathing problem but seems unlikely.

You need to undergo pulmonary function tests like spirometry and ECG to rule out the cause. You also need to undergo tests for HIV, ESR and certain serological tests to rule out autoimmune disorder including CD4 counts and complete blood counts.

It is difficult to come to a certain diagnosis with available history. Further evaluation is needed. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.

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