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Allergic Breathing trouble

Dear Doctor,
I'm Prem, 24yr old male from India. I want to tell my problem. I'm having breathing problem sometimes, and if it starts probably it last for 3-4 days mainly at night. This was shown its first symptoms in the age of 18. After 3 yrs I found that it is due to some allergic reaction, after a long search i have concluded that milk is the allergic factor. So i tried to avoid milk fully from my foods. But milk is contained in many foods so only upto a limit I can control it. I have read about allergic bronchitis, my symptoms are somewhat similar to this. I'm feeling my bronchus is contracted, feeling more pressure when breathing but there is no cough. At this time i used to take steam but it will not cure it properly. once it come it will last for some days mainly at night. I'm not able to sleep sometimes. I request you to guide me with the proper lifestyle needed to cure this naturally or using some medicine.
Thank you
3 Responses
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I had the same problem. It went away after I started taking Hismanol and Beconase
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612551 tn?1450022175
The above seems to be a possible lead...I do not know what Hismanol is, must be defined on the web.

Unless you see the medical log the respondent, like me, are patients, not medical doctors.

You mention more trouble at night - does that mean when you are lying down to sleep?  If yes, does you position help, that is sleeping on your back in a problem, sleeping on your side is not.  Here I looking for something obstructing your breathing.

Do you feel short of breath, or worse, like you are suffocating?  Or is it just discomfort?

This line of question does not mean I have an answer based on further input from you but the questions may help define and focus responses.

Wishing you relief.
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Thanks for the replay. ya I feel uncomfortable mainly at night after 8pm. Before lying on bed it is not severe. but after lying down it increase and become very worse sometimes, at that time if i sit and will feel a relief. I feel a short of breath and very difficulty in the intake of breath. If i sleep at night, commonly after 3-4am, again the problem will start. After avoiding milk I feel this problem very few in a month. and also mild. But if a eat anything that contain milk products such as ghee, curd etc i feel a itching inside nose and the upper part inside the mouth around half hour eating. And this will become a breathing problem at that night and sometimes last for the next few days, may be 4-5 days. Actually this is my observation but not sure is milk is my allergy source.
Thanks :)
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