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Garlic oder allergy. Should I try allergy shots?

Garlic oder causes eye burning, nausea, muscle cramping, sore throat with each breath in (similar to pollen reaction with sore throat) and breathing problems all at once. My skin rashes to garlic antigen on allergy testing. Could I be desensitized to the oder of garlic like pollens and dog dander? Opinions please.
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Allergy desensitization is very effective for allergies to pollen, mites, cats, and especially stinging insects such as bees, hornets, yellowjackets, wasps, velvet ants, and fire ants. Allergy immunotherapy usually takes 6 months to a year to become effective and injections are usually required for 3-5 years.

If you will be given immunotherapy to garlic antigen, there is no proven effectivity to garlic odor allergy. Avoidance of the said odor is the only treatment for now. It is best to discuss this treatment option with your doctor.

Take care and keep us posted.
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everytime i smell garlic in the air i get a very unwell feeling over me hard to describe this feeling . lasts for about 12 hours and then i could be hit with another blast of garlic the next day.any help would be great ps. i dont eat garlic i just cant.MARY.
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