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Garlic/onion allergy??

Okay, this confused the heck out of me.... I know that sometimes I get a reaction from eating too much garlic/onion, but I haven't experience it for a long time now, and I love garlic bread. I don't eat too much onion or garlic though, I kept it low on the intake, since I don't actually like it that much, but I love the smell of it in my cooking. And I haven't been to a doctor about this. Two nights ago my partner brought home some fried rice, which I know it has garlic in it, just that I don't know how much. After that, I started having sore throat and a splitting headache. It lasted until today (I had to call in sick yesterday). I had a mild headache yesterday but a very sore throat and still a little bit of it today, but the headache comes and go at least.

Anyone else have any reaction to garlic/onion? My everyday food contains onion and/or garlic, I wonder if it's an unusual amount that set off the reaction? It's just that I have never met or heard anyone has these symptoms, especially where I'm from, the food always contains lots and lots of onion and garlic (although I'm never a big fan of it, and I don't live there anymore).
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Wow, I did not know people had problems eating onions and garlic like me... I am unable to eat raw onions, my stomach just refuses it. Soon as i taste it causes me to vomit out what in my mouth, only when onions are baked and absolutely tasteless as on pizza that is baked properly, then i can eat it. Garlic on the other hand I can eat raw, but if cooked and instead of grated finely it is cut into pieces where you can taste it makes me to puke out my stomach.... I had this problem all my life... I deal with it my thoroughly sniffing my food before consumption to know if there is a threat that can lead to my embarrassment...
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I am pretty sure i have an allergy to onion and garlic , I especially get dizziness, exhaustion, fatigue, heart palpitations, depressed, joint pain, sometimes i get hives on my chest, swollen tounge, My doctor has put me on antibiotics and vitamin b, does anyone know if any of these medications or others contain anything that is in onion or garlic ? Thanx 4 ur help Milly
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I'm really glad I found this website and realized I am not alone or crazy. I think my husband thinks I am a hypochondriac. I am almost 38 yrs old and have eaten garlic and onions my whole life. Raw onions always repelled me so much but I could handle some if they were well-disguised in a dish. No adverse reactions. Recently ate fish ceviche with raw onions in it for days while on a tropical vacation. Others in our party did too. I noticed I began to have strange symptoms like extreme exhaustion, dizziness, chills, brachychardia, slow pulse, joint pain, dry eyes and a feeling like I wanted to cry. When we returned home, I went to see doctors and they ran tests, all came back normal except they brachycardia they noted. I had been cooking with onions as I always had but nothing raw. I felt better but still ill. I finally figured out that onions, especially RAW, were making me sick! I think it really hit me when I ate a cabbage salad that someone had made with raw onion slivers in it and that night we went to a party and I felt like I took sedatives and had to leave the party just as it was starting, ended up in bed by 9 pm shivering with chills and joint pain. I eliminated onions from my diet and saw a big improvement in how I felt. My husband cooked with garlic since then and I was fine so I assumed I dodged that bullet but then last night I made pesto sauce and used 6 raw garlic cloves. Today I began to feel awful. Debilitating fatigue as if drugged, feeling cold, depressed, joint pain, heart palpitations, in short, everything I had felt with the raw onions. I realize now that I cannot eat raw garlic or onions. I guess I'm fortunate in that I can seem to tolerate them cooked but then again I've suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for years and maybe onion and garlic are to blame for that. The intolerance to them in their raw form is a new thing for me. I have been extremely stressed due to personal issues and wonder if the stress brought this on. As an aside, I cut out all caffeine one month ago in an attempt to feel better overall and it has ended a lot of joint pain I was having not related to onions or garlic. Again, very glad to have found you all! I wonder how many people are suffering because they just don't know about this. Lucky for us we figured it out, most of us on our own. Many wishing we'd known sooner.
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Hi Y'all,

Ok. My issues are a little different. I get very sick, horrible stomach aches, cramping and diarreha from eating garlic. I fell in love with Balsamic Vinigarette salad dressing but got sick every time I ate it. Finally looked it up and there's lots of garlic in it. I eat one bite of garlic bread and I'm sick for 3 days...no kidding. However, I can eat onions with no problem. I love red, green, yellow...all kinds of onions and no tummy ache. Being sensitive to garlic is a real problem because eating at restaurants is dangerous. They cook everything with garlic. Sometimes if I take Immodium before I eat (if I think there's garlic in it) sometimes I can deflect a reaction. Sometimes it doesn't work at all. Good luck all . Sux don't it.
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Thanks so much for the info on a pasta sauce with no onion/garlic.  I've had to make my own sauce for years, usually using Rotel tomatoes as a base. I can't wait to try it out.  I use slippery elm to help alleviate symptoms when I accidently ingest onion or garlic.  
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My allergy to onions and garlic (chives, leeks, etc. . . raw or cooked) was diagnosed by my medical student husband 39 years ago when I was 21. I always loved onion pizza, fried onion rings, and more. However, I spent my childhood and adolescence having severe migraines and missing a lot of school. Recently, I discovered that ginger is another food I'm allergic to. I love Italian food, so I'm always looking for pasta sauces without onions or garlic. I just found Tuttorosso Three-Cheese pasta sauce, made by Red Gold, an Indiana company. It has NO onions and NO garlic. I think I died and went to heaven. If you know of other foods like this, please post the info.
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