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Garlic/onion allergy??

Okay, this confused the heck out of me.... I know that sometimes I get a reaction from eating too much garlic/onion, but I haven't experience it for a long time now, and I love garlic bread. I don't eat too much onion or garlic though, I kept it low on the intake, since I don't actually like it that much, but I love the smell of it in my cooking. And I haven't been to a doctor about this. Two nights ago my partner brought home some fried rice, which I know it has garlic in it, just that I don't know how much. After that, I started having sore throat and a splitting headache. It lasted until today (I had to call in sick yesterday). I had a mild headache yesterday but a very sore throat and still a little bit of it today, but the headache comes and go at least.

Anyone else have any reaction to garlic/onion? My everyday food contains onion and/or garlic, I wonder if it's an unusual amount that set off the reaction? It's just that I have never met or heard anyone has these symptoms, especially where I'm from, the food always contains lots and lots of onion and garlic (although I'm never a big fan of it, and I don't live there anymore).
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This is the first time I researched allergy to onion & garlic because of some new elements in my health scenario. I also thought my allergies were unusual. I ate garlic & onions by practically inhaling them when I was yonger. My allergies started in my late 30s. I am now 61yrs young. I have managed to avoid foods that have onions & garlic written on the product package but I was still having the same reactions to other foods. In addition to the headaches & sore throat I would have terrible pain in my lungs & it would turn into a full blown sinus & bronchial infection. I later learned to avoid anything that had spices, flavoring & broth, as they all have the same (deadly for me) ingredients in them. Taking Benedryl helps if I take it before I eat if i know I'm going to eat out & the probability is great that any of the above will be ingested, but it only works once in a while! I believe the toxins have an accumulative effect. So the next time you'll not be so lucky. Read the labels of prepared, semi-prepared, or processed/semi-processed foods such as raw chicken or turkey frozen in broth, tuna in broth instead of water,
crackers or certain breads, even vegetable based juices. If in question call the telephone number on the product.They won't give you a list of ingredients (propriety rights) but they are required to give you a yes or no response. So have your list of items, spices etc, you want to inquire about. If you have a smartphone there are apps for scanning a product barcode & you can call the mfg before buying the product. I hope this helps anyone interested. :)   ***@****
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I am very allergic to onions, garlic, chives, leeks, and shallots.  If I am around them and breathe I start to throw up, so I don't breathe, and it is very hard. I have to read everything I buy at the store in a can or a box, just to be sure there is none of these items in it. As for going out to eat, I can only eat at places like Piccadilly, Golden Corral, Ryans, I Hop, and some steak places.  I avoid all Mexican, Italian, or Cajun Restaurants at all cost because these places reek with garlic.  I can't even walk into these places.  Any help would be most appreciated.  Please, no allergy shots though.  There must be a better way, then giving the person what they are allergic to.

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I have suffered terrible bloating, cramping, and gas from eating onions for 20 years.  The symptoms are so bad I can't take a deep breath.  Within the last year, I developed the same symptoms with garlic.  SO frustrating, because I love eating out!

My allergist tested for onions, and said I was not allergic.  But guess what?  I'm allergic to any DRUG that has SULPHUR in it!  They make me vomit!  I had no idea that they could be related, that onions and garlic both have sulphur in them.

What angers me is that my doctor knows I am allergic to sulphur, and never once suggested it could be a problem with foods.  In fact, she brushed off my onion issue once she determined I was not "allergic" to onions.  Now that garlic is a culprit, too, I'll just have to "explain" it to her.  :-)

By the way, I'm allergic to apples, sometimes grapes, plums, and more, but not gastrointestinally.  Those allergies manifest with itching mouth, gums, and swelling throat.

Because the gas is so excruciating, I avoid broccolli, cauliflower, and anything else that could possibly contribute to gas.

Glad I found this thread, just because it's nice to know I'm not crazy!
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I am suffering from a garlic allergy too! It started years ago with onions and I eliminated from my diet them but lately because of a Candida diet that I am on I started adding garlic for flavor to my foods. There's also the added benefit that its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. I got really sick this week and thought it was a virus. I woke during the night with a terrible migraine, congestion, muscle and joint pain, burning and sizzling extremeties, dizziness, fatigue and stomach nausea and pain. I was convinced I had a stomach bug. Here I am 4 days later still home in bed and symtpoms getting worse! I started to keep a food diary and discovered that garlic was the common denominator! I don't eat any processed foods and my diet is already very limited because of food intolerances. It finally hit me! I dug up an old food allergy test which reminded me of my allergy to onions. It just has to be as they are in the same family and many people that have an allergy to one have an allergy to the other! Right now I am feeling so awful. My head is exploding along with all the symptoms listed above. I am praying tomorrow will be better but if this is going to be a repeat of all the other nights this week I am sure I won't be sleeping because of all the pain and discomfort! It IS such a nightmare!
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I have a garlic/raw onion intolerance too...diarrhea, bloating, sore tummy.  You mentioned that digestive enzymes help you.  Can you be more specific?  Are there particular enzymes that help you to better digest alliums/sulphites?  Thanks.
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You need to see a doctor who is an Allergy / immunology specialist. I did and he performed a skin test and blood test that scientifically proved that I am allergic to garlic. Don’t expect any modern doctor to be too sympathetic to any patient, but to expect them to provide realistic treatment advice, which in the case of food allergies usually consists of avoidance, oral over the counter antihistamines (Benadryl and zyrtec), and possibly an epinephrine pen.
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