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Dexamethasone for sore throat

Hi- I've been doing allergy shots for 3 years (immunotherapy). I'm mostly allergic to weeds, pollen, trees, dust mites and mold. Since January, I've been getting colds after my maintenance shots and had to be lowered down. I'm still experiencing post nasal drip and ongoing sore throat since January. It recently flared up into a full blown painful very red sore throat and my doctor prescribed Dexamethasone 6mg 2x per day for 3 days. I've been reading about side effects for this drug online and it's pretty scary. Does that also seem like a high dose for what I have? I'm not sure if I should take it or not.
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209987 tn?1451935465
Hopefully your doctor knows what he's talking about. You could ask your pharmacist, as they would know better than anyone what the right dosage should be.
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