1452978 tn?1285110262

Having Sinus Surgery Questions

I have been dizzy and off balance for on and off six months.  I constantly feel pressure around the bridge of my nose.  And get sinus headaches alot.  Has anyone had the sinus surgery and it helped the dizziness, off balance, and lightheaded feeling.  I am have a deviated septum that is being correct.  I am nervous I have never had surgery before but I am praying this takes care of the issues.  
Could someone please share their experiences with me, my surgery is Thursday.

Thanks so much!
3 Responses
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1386405 tn?1291587800
My cousins husband had the surgery he seems like it helped him good luck
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1458533 tn?1285685681
I just had the surgery a week ago im still dizzy and have blurry vision my orignal symptoms i don't know if you had surgery yet... but if you did how long till your dizzy, and lightheartedness went away..
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the most common cause for nasal obstruction is Deviated nasal septum (DNS). This condition leads to obstruction and breathing difficulty. This can lead to sinus infection, ear infection and headaches. You need to undergo detailed examination of nose and radiography of the sinuses to rule out existing sinusitis.

The septoplasty or rhinoplasty for deviated nasal septum (DNS) will help you to relieve your symptoms. The magnitude of improvement varies from person to person. Many of them are usually free of symptoms. I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for further management. Take care and regards.
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