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Help with constant sneezing?

Im constantly sneezing, when i sneeze they are short and quick with no mucus.
It happens so much that even my partner gets annoyed with it. Its been happening for two years now.
Any ideas on how to stop it or what it is causing? Ive tried allergy pills, all types of antihistamines but nothings working.

Any ideas? Thanks.
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What does your family doctor say? Don't self diagnose. Your sneezing could be an allergic reaction to something. Some people are allergic to dust.
Your doctor may suggest an allergy test to determine if you have an allergy.
It's not adviseable to just " try allergy pills". Some of these over the counter
allergy pills and antihistamines are not good for your liver. Find out what
is causing the sneezing.  A allergy test can be quite helpful. At least then
you will know what you're allergic to. Sneezing is the body's way of getting
rid of an allergin. Good luck with all ot this.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The constant sneezing and nasal congestion could be due to vasomotor rhinitis, in which the symptoms occur in response to a trigger, like eating spicy food or going outside in the cold.  The primary treatment is simply avoiding the things that trigger your symptoms. It is often treated with a drying nasal spray (like Atrovent) and antihistamines like chlopheneramine and lovatidine are effective. Nasal decongestant drops too relieve congestion. Please consult an allergist, he may help to desensitize you.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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