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Hives and Severe Joint Pain

My son 15, had hives last week.  Severe hives moving from one part of his body to another.  He was on a medication just prior to this called Solodyn (for acne).  (We stopped the Solodyn about a week ago when the rash first appeared.)  The doctors aren't sure if that is what triggered this.  The hives a week later have slowed up but we are now having severe joint pain.  The joint pain also moves daily from one area of his body to the other.  One day it is on the right side affecting his hands and feet mostly, then the next day it is on the other side.  Sparadically it become so severe he can't walk on that foot or write with that hand.  He is on Clarinex and Allegra now due to the rash. It does help but occassionally that rash will reappear for a few hours then gone again.  I am truly concerned about the joint pain, because it isn't minor, it is debilitating for him.  Please let me know if there is something that we are overlooking.  I have found individuals on the internet that have these same problems but no way to ask them what the cure was.  Please help.  

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I have the same problems as your son. I'm 35 and have been suffering for 8 months.  I get lumps in my feet and hands  For a day or two,sometimes longer. The pain in my joints have me thinking arthritis also. I'm currently on allegra 180mg once a day
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I forgot to mention another ingredient I must avoid and that is any artificial sweetener. These are bad news for anyone and can cause all sorts of problems.
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I recommend checking rx-list.com and looking up the antibiotics prescribed. Not only does it give side effects and such but all the ingredient-- including the inert ingredients. I find I react to the inert ingredients (thankfully I have not had hives or joint pain but I do get asthma attacks, a bloody nose and horrible migraines.) Inert ingredients I have learned to watch out for-- sodium laural(th) sulfate-- this is a powerful detergent and is used in labs to break down human skin cells to look at under the microscope, talc-- this is said not to be used as a powder because it can increase the likelihood of ovarian cancer, gluten, and any milk product.

I hope you get your answers,
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My daughter just broke out into hives today and has most of the swelling in her knee.  The hives are all over though.  She is at the end of an antibiotic, but I wasn't sure if that was it or an insect bite.  What was the result of your child's reaction?
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well its just over a week since my last post, blood tests came back with no issues, flare tags were marjinally higher than normal but they didnt seem concerned. that was last friday i got the results.  back at the docs monday 28th nov after a terrible weekend.  went to a comedy club for my birthday sat night with my boyfriend but by the time i got home around 1am (sat most of the evening too) i could barely walk, couldnt drive without hunching over the wheel then laid ontop of the bed with my coat on as i couldnt move :( this is awful ;( saw a different doc mon, sent for blood tests tues 29th they are now testing for lupus among other conditions i cant remember i was in too much pain to take it in. been given a medication which is a muscle relaxant called amitriptyline.  the doc didnt say if to take it with the other meds, so i didnt, but i've taken one of the first tablets naproxen as im in agony tonight. had a hot bath with didnt work, im walking like a gorrilla as i can hardly bend my knees, my fingers hurt, shoulders, wrists and ankles :( to say im scared of getting no answers or cure is an understatement, i couldnt lift my 4 year old little girl out of the bath tonight my mum had to do it :(   I havent had any hives, i do seem to be going to the toilet tiddling a lot more but other than that its just this seizing up of nearly everywhere, with mild inflamation usually on the sides on my wrists and the paint with it all. it feels like carpal tunnel syndrome on my wrists, feels like a trapped tendon or muscle behind my knees and shoulders feel like they have something trapped, ankles usually just feel stiff and hard to move. i was fit and active before and not had any illness may be a tickly cough, no antibiotics lately or hives.  i had something simular around 10 years ago where they tested my wrists for carpal tunnel and never got to the bottom of why my hip felt seized up.  i moved back to derbyshire and it all stopped! does anyone else have these symptoms? a very sad and upset sazzle :( will post back soon even if to journal whats happening to me.
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well, finally got into the docs this morning, 54 calls in 15mins each engaged tone, not impressed. got another appointment for blood tests 22nd nov 2011, one thing they will test for is celiac'ss disease and other flamitory disorders. i askes if i can have food/allergy skin tests but he said we'll start with the blood test.  yet celiacs is a food intollerance to gluten! anyhow prescribed naproxen which is better than ibroprophen and has a pain killer in it, but this causes stomache upset/acid so also have ranitidine to counteract it.  today the stiffness and pain has move to my shoulder again.  will post back again. sarah
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