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Hives and Severe Joint Pain

My son 15, had hives last week.  Severe hives moving from one part of his body to another.  He was on a medication just prior to this called Solodyn (for acne).  (We stopped the Solodyn about a week ago when the rash first appeared.)  The doctors aren't sure if that is what triggered this.  The hives a week later have slowed up but we are now having severe joint pain.  The joint pain also moves daily from one area of his body to the other.  One day it is on the right side affecting his hands and feet mostly, then the next day it is on the other side.  Sparadically it become so severe he can't walk on that foot or write with that hand.  He is on Clarinex and Allegra now due to the rash. It does help but occassionally that rash will reappear for a few hours then gone again.  I am truly concerned about the joint pain, because it isn't minor, it is debilitating for him.  Please let me know if there is something that we are overlooking.  I have found individuals on the internet that have these same problems but no way to ask them what the cure was.  Please help.  

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1.jordygoose-- parvo virus usually does not have the joint pain and swelling

2. momo..i've seen viral reactions that act like jeuvenile arthritis. my 2 1/2 yr old experienced this for about 4 mos, it went away and never returned.

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1.jordygoose-- parvo virus usually does not have the joint pain and swelling

2. momo..i've seen viral reactions that act like jeuvenile arthritis. my 2 1/2 yr old experienced this for about 4 mos, it went away and never returned.

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Last week we flew from Chicago to Aruba. After the first day my son had what we thought was sun poisoning with fever and rash. He spiked a 103 fever and then the next day felt great. Fever free he went down to the pool and enjoyed his day, but night he had a fever and more rash. By the 4th day of our trip my son had fever, HUGE hives (pink patches the size of my palm) on his upper legs, stomach, back and his knees and ankes were swollen and his was in so much pain that when I "made" him stand to show me he puked. He is 3 1/2 I have NEVER seen anything like this. We took him right to the emergency room where they called it an allergic reaction. The next morning he woke and after awhile could walk and seemed fine, then again that night everything flared up in his knees and ankles again and he couldn't walk, just a little rash this time. He has NO known allergies or other health problems.In the past he has complained in the morning or after activity that his legs hurt, he won't walk down the stairs on his own some mornings crying that he can't do it. We always just thought he was faking it. Doctors are trying to tell us it is viral, but it was all too strange. The weather change was dramatic and I have a slight form of arthritis from 3 knee surgeries and it acted up badly while in Aruba. Does anyone out there have a similar story where thier child ended up with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?? My doctor doesn't sound convinced, but I am worried. She has agreed to do a blood work up on him within the next two weeks. THANKS in advance for any info you can provide me with!
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Me again.  I wrote last May that I had severe allergic reaction to something.  Never figured out what it was, but I feel fine now.  Went to allergist and had tests and she couldn't tell me either.  I have allergies, but nothing that would cause the hives and pain I had.  I figure there is something in my system that reacts to whatever?? Who knows.  I'm currently on anti-biotics as I have strep throat so we will see what happens after this week.  But as I said, seems to have gone away, took a couple of weeks to recover, but not as severe as the first time.
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I'm a 30 year old male. I went out to eat with my wife on a Friday night and shared a bottle of wine and some fruit. Later that evening I started breaking out with hives. It was Tuesday and I couldn't stand it any longer. So, I went to a medical clinic. They gave me a steriod shot and gave me a Px of Prednisone (20mg) 2 a day for 5 days then 1 a day for 5 days. That very next day I started having servere joint pain as described above, I immediatly stopped taking prednisone. I was out of work for a week. I went to the ER around 0400hrs one morning. They put me on an IV with moraphine and Px with more Prednisone and Lortab.
I did a little research on Prednisone and it states that if you have had a history of malaria then your dosage should be reduced or you should be tested first. None of these things happened. I'm thinking law-suit. Do Docs know what they are doing anymore? I have an appt. tomorrow, we'll see.
I'm back at work still itching, joints hurt, no Lortab (just took the edge off) and wondering what the heck is wrong with me.
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My 8 year old son was recently diagnosed with peanut/nut/environmental allergies and started taking amoxocillan for a sinus infection for 10 days.  The last day of the medicine he coincindently broke out with hives from what I thought could've been a cupcake that he ate (he's never broken out from food before).  That same night, he started taking zyrtec.  He took it for two nights and on the third day started complaing his wrists/ankles/feet hurt and his hands became clenched like claws.  I took him to the E/R because he could hardly walk.  The doctor there said it was an allergic reaction to the zyrtec.  Gave him Benadryl and after an hour it looked like the swelling on his ankles went down, so they sent him home.  The next day he appeared slightly better but by the late afternoon he could hardly walk again.  This has gone on for 4 days of looking like he's getting better but then it comes back, especially the claw like hands. And now he has a low grade fever.  His pediatrician says it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic and sent him for bloodwork.  Went to the allergist today and he said they were both wrong and its Parvo Virus Infection.  I don't know who to believe.  I a waiting for the blood work for some answers.  Has anyone ever had this happen to their child also?
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