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eczema pimples

I recently had n eczema outbreak on my neck,where i had a terrible itch accompanied by alot,n i mean alot of pimple like blisters! i was recently introduced to meleleuca products,n they are fantastic! it got rid of all the eczema rash,uses the pure oil,then the RENEW lotion,it is the best thing ive uses so far,it doesnt thin the skin out klike most cortisone creams the doc usually prescribes,my question is this...although the rash n itch has gone away,the awful pimple like blisters have not,does anyone know what i could use to rid of it?

But if anyone with eczema rash needs relief from the itch,pls try meleleuca products,especially the renew lotion n the pure tea tree oil! its a miracle.

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Hi Yuki,
How are you? What other symptoms are present? The goals for the treatment of eczema include prevention of  itching, inflammation, and worsening of the condition.   It is good that you were able to find a product that is best working for you. However, with eczema, complications such as secondary bacterial infection may also occur. If the pimples are not healing despite the medications, you may need to have this checked by your doctor for proper evaluation. If there is infection, antibiotics may be indicated. Take care and do keep us posted.
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Hi Doc,
Thank you for your response,my eczema rash has gone away with the help of the melaleuca products,oil,n renew lotion,its a miracle to me,i just have the "pimples"which used to have pus like fluid exactly like a acne pimple,not big but there,however it doesnt have that now,n looks to be drying up,but but seems it has scarred the little red bumps on my skin.As for the rash its now gone so no itch,scaling,dryness,all gone.Im just hoping these bumps eventually go away
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