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Horrible Sinus Pressure, Pain, Dizziness, Vision Problems

Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I started having problems about 5 years ago. It was occasional problems such as mild sinus pain/pressure and headache with mild eye strain. Each year it has gotten worse. Over the course of the past 5 years I have seen multiple doctors across different specialites: Ears, Nose & Throat, Neurologist, Allergist, and my Intern. I have had MRI's and CT scans. This year has been the worst so far. I have already gotten 2 sinus infections. In February of this year I got a CT scan and the ENT doctor said I have a severe deviated septum with chronic sinusitis. I was treated for a sinus infection and that was it. I still felt bad so I went to a neurologist. He wrote it off as a vestibular problem. I did vestibular therapy for 2 months with almost no relief. In May when allergy season started, everything got worse. I have had nonstop sinus pressure/pain, headache, dizziness, major eye strain, my face is sore, my teeth are sore. At the beginning of July I went to an allergist. He said I was allergic to 3 types of trees, 4 grasses, dust, molds and very mild allergy to cats. He put me on Rhinocort. NO results. Then I went back to him after already dumping over $200 in co-pays and medication and he said I have a sinus infection. I just finished the antibiotics and I still feel the same as I did when I first went to him in July. He had me on amoxicillin plus Astelin. I have tried Nasacort, Zyrtec, Claritin, Alavert, etc.... no relief. I am a computer programmer and I can't function like this anymore. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
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For  shimmering you might have  Lyme get Lyme  testing the only lab that reads all the bands that LLMD used is IGENEX. Also  consider black mold poisoning. A most medical doctor would not have any idea how to test or treat you for this .Go a environmental medicine doctor or mold or biotoxin illness doctor
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My daughter had migraines, blurred vision,  sinus infections constant runny nose tried antibiotics forever . Did want sinus  surgery , finally when she was going off to college she decided to have sinus surgery, Helped a little, but she finally decided on a ND that put her NO  grains, sugar and dairy diet now she is much healthier she will sometimes eat bread but rarely, That has seemed to be the cure.
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Keep a diary of what you eat, touch, smell and environment. Perhaps, it is being triggered by an allergy
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just came across this thread - I can't associate with some of the extreme pains that some have posted here, but my (annoying) symptoms which are slowly getting worse with little treatment are:

swallowing lots of catarrh
more and more daily sneezing fits (itchy nose !)
periodically the gum at the back of the mouth (leading to the throat) itches like mad, this seems to be an additional symptom that seems alone to me ? I'm assuming its something to do with the sneezing and constant swallowing of catarrh, in these times of itchy rear gum my throat will become easily sore if i talk much
I can be dizzy on getting up in the morning
my ear blocked slightly recently, doc said it was catarrh and a couple of days of steam/menthol breathing did clear it, but I'm getting more and more episodes of ear ringing which is a concern, all this catarrh I guess.
Going to go back to Beconase as I've used it sparingly in the past on advice from the doc, but I feel that it's more for hay fever and I dont get runny or itchy eyes, we'll see
oh, and my nose will run on the slightest hint of a breeze, I play golf and my handkerchief is out all of the time even in summer, I probably use it 20 to 1 in comparison to others

is it best practise to snort up and expel the catarrh when possible, or just swallow ? it seems the more I can expel the more I produce - yuk !
is this post nasal drip, sinusitis or rihinitis or other ? might help so I could self diagnose best prescription, docs just want you in & out of the door quickly imo
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I have suffered for years with the same symptoms pressure at bridge nose and under eyes and forehead as well as ear pressure. I feel intoxicated but not dizzy . So far I have been diagnosed eustation tube dysfunction. However I brought up to my doctor a condition called Vestibular Nueritis
Which these are some of the symptoms. An auto immune issue will cause this as well as
A bulging disk in the neck!! I have read alot and brought Vestibularar Nueritis questions to my doctor. He said there was a possibility
I could have this to. Several doctors over several years I had an MRI and showed bulging disk and spot on brain which could be Multiple Sclerosis.I am seeing a Nuerologist now and hopefully I can get a for sure diagnosis. I hope this info helps and maybe your Doctor needs to check for all the things I mentioned above because now the doctors can start narrowing down my diagnosis.
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I had your same symptoms for 3 1/2 years. I've tried antibiotics many times with steroids which only gave me temporary relief until the meds wore off. I've even been on 21 day cycles as well. I've tried allergy shots to relieve the pressure but I have finally have come to the conclusion that drinking coffee has been the root of my problem the whole time . I still have not determined if its caffeine or coffee itself but I am pretty sure its one or the other.

ear pressure - full ear
headaches 85% to 90% of the day especially at night when trying to sleep, feels like mucus is pooling up in the back of my head towards the base of my skull
achiness in the neck area
felt like something was in my nasal cavities

I know it sounds crazy but I am convinced coffee mimics a sinus infection or exaggerates any ongoing infection that may be living in my sinus area
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