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Horrible Sinus Pressure, Pain, Dizziness, Vision Problems

Hi Everyone. This is my first post. I started having problems about 5 years ago. It was occasional problems such as mild sinus pain/pressure and headache with mild eye strain. Each year it has gotten worse. Over the course of the past 5 years I have seen multiple doctors across different specialites: Ears, Nose & Throat, Neurologist, Allergist, and my Intern. I have had MRI's and CT scans. This year has been the worst so far. I have already gotten 2 sinus infections. In February of this year I got a CT scan and the ENT doctor said I have a severe deviated septum with chronic sinusitis. I was treated for a sinus infection and that was it. I still felt bad so I went to a neurologist. He wrote it off as a vestibular problem. I did vestibular therapy for 2 months with almost no relief. In May when allergy season started, everything got worse. I have had nonstop sinus pressure/pain, headache, dizziness, major eye strain, my face is sore, my teeth are sore. At the beginning of July I went to an allergist. He said I was allergic to 3 types of trees, 4 grasses, dust, molds and very mild allergy to cats. He put me on Rhinocort. NO results. Then I went back to him after already dumping over $200 in co-pays and medication and he said I have a sinus infection. I just finished the antibiotics and I still feel the same as I did when I first went to him in July. He had me on amoxicillin plus Astelin. I have tried Nasacort, Zyrtec, Claritin, Alavert, etc.... no relief. I am a computer programmer and I can't function like this anymore. Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
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I have had chronic tension headache for 25 years I have tried everything it horrable it really gets me down just want to have good days instead of feling crap all the time just feels like something is crushing my head all the time any advise very greatfull
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I think your neurologist is nuts to say your sinus pressure wont cause dizziness. the sinus cavities are connected to the ears. A simple search online will tell you that sinus pressure can cause dizziness. My symptoms are: sinus pressure/pain behind cheeks and above the upper teeth (mostly the back teeth, but sometimes the front ones as well), headaches in the forehead area sometimes spreading to the back & top of the head, neck & shoulder pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, occasional clogged nose only on one side, but no mucus or discharge, nausea, ear pain, ears feeling clogged, ears popping (similar to what you feel on an airplane), ears itching deep inside where I can't reach to scratch, sneezing, occasional itchy throat, jaw pain (like I want to open my mouth wide to stretch the jaw muscles), seeing spots & flashes in my vision, especially when I'm having severe sinus pain behind the eyes & dizzy spells. One time I laid down & immediately both ears clogged up like they wanted to pop. I immediately started to experience a dizzy spell and pressure behind my cheeks and upper teeth. I've talked to drs about brain tumors. This was my first worry. They all say no. So I started to research "sinus pressure" online an all these symptoms can be accounted for. I asked the drs about these symptoms being caused by sinus pressure & they say yes it can, but unlikely since I have no mucus discharge. But It seems a lot of people are experiencing these sinus symptoms without mucus & drainage.
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Just a suggestion as i have had very similar issues since 2007 and have gone through all kinds of testing, CT, MRI, blood workups you name it....i have the facial pain, dizziness, sinus issues, heck even when so far as pulling out all the carpet in my home, new mattresses, putting in a new heater/ac unit and hepa filters in every room, along with braces for my teeth etc...nothing worked.  

After talking to my ENT earlier this year we decided to go with an Allergy test...i was up for anything and why not been dizzy for 7+ years however, had never been allergic to anything I could remember.  He found I was moderately allergic to many things, nothing food related but to dust, grass, trees, dogs etc.... He had a mixture made up based upon my test results.  I have to take a shot once a week for a year...however, just after shot 7 and the dizziness has gone, the facial pain diminished at least thus far, ive got plenty of shots to go, but heck im excited and wanted to pass it on if you have been through the ringer of test etc...try an allergy test because it sure seems much of my discomfort was related to allergies although i dont think all of it is but in combination with other treatments im going through i feel much much better and my dizzies are gone, at least for now......
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Did the neurologist help? I am on amitriplyene for chronic migraines but I still have dizziness everyday and get mild to medium severity headaches everyday. I had a clear MRI 4 years ago but want another one..
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For the past 4 years I have been having my sinus problem. It all started when I got the common cold one winter, I thought nothing of the clogged ear because every time I got a cold my ears got itchy and clogged. But after the cold had gone away, My ear remained clogged. After one year on the waiting list to see me Ear specialist, he did my exam and prescribed nasal spray,  hearing test, CT scan, sinus xray. all can back neg. My hearing in that ear was a bit  bad compared to what it used to be. Now I find that on rainy humid days My teeth feel really weird almost like the are full of air and very irritated and my ear feels clogged, and feel very light headed :( Also feel confusion :(
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7934902 tn?1395538850
Any progress on your problem?? It sounds EXACTLY what I am dealing with...
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