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weird rash

Since yesterday my deltoids and half of my chest is red, it looks like a sunburn but I havn't been exposed to sun. Yesterday I used a corticoids ointment and it went away but came again, today after a cold shower it went away again but its slowly coming back. It doesn't itch at all but it has a small burning sensation (just like when you get sun burned) I havn't used any new shampoo or ate anything different from usual. I'm totally lost, what do you think this might be?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Possibly environmental,. allergies ...ask for a heavy metal toxicity test ...go online and research a"what on earth are they Spraying '...and good luck
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The patch could be due to allergen. The other causes could be due to a fungal infection, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and scabies. Usually there is itching and some amount of inflammation with these conditions. You will need to consult your primary care physician for further evaluation.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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