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Is this most likely an allergy or something to be more concerned about??

For about 4 years now, every once in while, I have a problem with hives where I will get one or two hives on my body that come and go and always respond to taking a benadryl or even using topical benadryl spray. On top of this, when these hives begin occurring, I have also noticed a transient increase and decrease in the size of the lymph nodes right behind my jaw and below my ear that also comes and goes. I addition have chronic sinusitis which makes me wonder if I'm allergic to something in my environment. The hives/swollen glands seems to happen most when I have been laying on my couch. I do have two dogs that sometimes lay on my sofas but this did not start until a few years ago and I have not had pet allergies before. Can allergies develop later in life? My concern is, if this is not allergies, what is it?
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535822 tn?1443976780
Possible toxicity in the environment I get similar and I have been researching what is happening around me ..its an eye opener.They say a heavy metal test is needed for me to check it out, I haven't done it yet .Good luck
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It sounds like allergies to me. I have severe allergies to just about all nature and cats and dogs. Though I don't get hives, the lymph node discomfort and sinus problems worsen for me too when I'm exposed too long to the outdoors, etc. I didn't begin to have allergy issues until I was in my 40's, so it's definitely possible to develop an allergy you never had before. Zyrtec or generic form has helped my sister who gets hives. You might want to see an allergist to get ideas on what you can do to help out with your problem. Good luck to you.
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Thanks, I defenitely think it's my dog. I was giving her a hug tonight and had my head resting on her forehead. A few minutes later I got a hive on my cheek right in the same spot and the itchy eyes. I used the topical benadryl spray and it went away. I think I will need to get my carpet and couches steam cleaned to remove the pet dander, dust and fur that I may be reacting to. Does you sister get hives from her pets or something else? I didn't think hives were a common reaction to a pet allergy but it seems to be my most prominent symptom other than the chronic sinus congestion..
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Thanks for the advice, if it turn out to not be a pet allergy I will look into that further. Has anything worked for you as far as treatment?
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