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Multiple allergens in immunotherapy shots

I have been taking allergy injections for the past month in an accelerated protocol. The response has been fantastic, with improvements in nasal airflow, sleep patterns, asthma, headaches, etc.

Despite having tested positive to a dozen different allergens, my vaccine currently only contains two: ragweed and dust-mite.
A friend in the States is receiving a rush protocol for many dozens of different allergens. I mentioned this to my doctor who explained to me that putting many different allergens into the mixture would require lowering the strength of the other allergens and it would take longer to work overall. He also explained that the major allergens might be triggering the minor ones, so treating the major ones should take care of all my reactions.
Yet, many doctors in the States seem to disagree.

How is there such opposing views in the field regarding this issue?
All I want to find is the *optimal treatment regime*.

My question: Is it typical to start off with only two allergens then add others later on? Or should I seek a second opinion?
What is the *standard practice* and what does *the evidence support*?
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also, let me know which allergens you are getting treated for right now. thanks!
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1180523 tn?1277384042
Would really also be interested to hear what the doctors would say about the questions that you have posted. As I also suffer from medicine induced allergies, Is there a cure like you have described for that?
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Not that I know of
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