8711588 tn?1399453904

Neti Pot


I've never been allergic to anything in my life till about 2 years ago, all of a sudden I'm allergic to cats and dust, which was odd because i had had my cat for about 8 years by this point (I have 2 more now, yes slightly crazy and suffering for it). I am on strong antihistamines, which do the job... kinda.
i have a constant feeling of having a cold, i sneeze at least 10-20 times a day, my nose runs as it pleases, but what bothers me the most (apart from wanting to scratch out my eyes) is that i cant breath properly through my nose, its always all or partially blocked. I've recently taken up yoga and it is important that i can breath through my nose now, so i need to try something else. Has anyone tried a neti pot? How did it go for you?    
3 Responses
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612551 tn?1450022175
I have heard an answer or two and don't remember them fully... as what I remember indicates some of us have more fluid in our nasal membranes than others.  That being the case laying down allows the fluid to collect in a way that forces the membranes to block the air passage.  Age can contribute I believe and as a senior age-wise myself I can say I remember when I didn't have the night-time congestion problem.

As an example of the above explanation I can testify that gravity has an effect.  When I lay on my left side, the left side plugs up, the right side opens up, and conversely.  It is possible for both sides to remain congested, but my experience has me often rolling from one side to the other just to enjoy the opening up of side that is now on "top" or up.
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8829133 tn?1400867913
yes, be very careful using afrin.  I seen my dad use it all the time when I was little and I started using it at about 8 yrs old. had my nose broke so when the one good side got stuffy, I could not stand it.  I used that stuff several times a day for over 20 yrs.  It has burned a hole in my nose and I often get ulcers in my nose as well. I have been told I have 'sinus disease' through a CT scan.  I am positive it is from using afrin so many years.  It is weird, I get the 'as soon as I lay down congestion as well'.  wonder why that is??.
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612551 tn?1450022175
I suffer from chronic night-time (when in bed to sleep) nasal congestion.  It responds well to the medication used in Afrin, which can not be used more than a few nights in a row.

I have used a Netti Pot and not gotten any relief I can ascribe to the NP.  However, repeated use of saline nasal spray helps - and I use a saline solution in the Netti Pot - so it should help, but the saline spray is much easier.
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