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Itchy skin at night

My daughter has eczema from 3 months. She has lot of food allergies, environmental allergies. She developed wheezing at 2 yrs.
Her skin improved when we avoided the foods that she was allergic to. When she was 3 1/4 yrs (it was winter) her skin became very itchy and looked like prickly heat and none of the soothing cream helped - the doctor prescribed Elidel - it healed the flare ups but I had to use elidel everyday which we did not prefer. We tried homeopathy - her skin did improve - her flare ups reduced - her skin became soft - but did not heal competely - but again when she was 4 1/2 her skin was very itchy especially during the nights though the skin was soft. None of the antihistamines helped her - her skin is very very itchy only during the nights - she sleeps only for 2 hrs though she takes atarax and xyzal - in the morning she sleeps well most of the time. We use dust mite covers and air purifier in the bedroom and avoid environmental allergens. Please advise on my daughter's situation - we still do not know the reason for her itchiness.
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Hello doctor,

I sneeze in the morning, maybe 20 of them at a stretch and liquid mucus comes out for about 30 minutes and then it's over. I catch like cold from sweating and not enough sleeping, but they are short lived although very annoying. Any suggestions? I am an adult.
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1277598 tn?1271094194
This question is best handled by a pediatric allergist...I am an adult pulmonary physician
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