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Painful to touch my nose

I've been searching the net for people with a similar problem without much luck!.  I have suffered for a long time with an extremely painful nose, it's not a constant pain and most days I can be pain free but sometimes my nose becomes so painful it's literally impossible to touch and it begins to run.  It can last for around 20 minutes and then it completely goes and my nose is absolutely back to normal and stops running!  All other information I have found regarding a painful nose seems to be linked to acne etc but I have great skin! I have hayfever and I'm allergic to dust but apart from that Im healthy.  What could it be? I have no other sinus pain apart from dull headaches now and again.  I would be so grateful for any advice or ideas.
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HELP! I`m so glad I`ve found someone else who suffers with painful noses. Mine generally lasts a day then is ok and then comes back the following day - it swells up, runs and I get large crots as well. It`s very difficult and i`m sure it`s an allergy to something (I have my suspicions - bleach and cleaning products or something i`m using regularly), although my doctor had me checked for general allergies and I was all clear. The doctor did suggested that I suffer with sinisitus and rhinitus (not sure what this all means), but it`s all very vague.....I`d love to know exactly what it is and why and then I can put a stop to my misery...honestly my nose hasn`t been right for at least 3 years (since I moved into my new home..). I generally suffer up to 9 months a year...(i`ve noticed it disapears when I stay at someone elses house). Please let me know if you hear of anything so that I can get to the bottom of this once and for all.
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From what you describe, it appears that you are suffering from hypersensitivity to some substance(s) or that is  to say you are allergic to it. Since we already know that you have Hay Fever it is not surprising since people who have one kind of allergy usually have an hypersensitive immune system and react to multiple substances.

Have you tried steam inhalation, saline nasal drops or OTC medications such as anti histamines? The best course would be to consult an Allergy or ENT specialist who would do an detailed examination to get a diagnosis. Medication may include steroid nasal sprays and a course of antibiotics.

Do let us know if you have any other problems other than pain like pus or mucus discharge. Also let us know if you may have other queries before/after you visit your doctor.

Get well soon!
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