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Peeling lips

I am having trouble with peeling lips even when I am not wearing lipstick.
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      Peeling of skin over the lips can happen due to dry skin, dehydration, exposure to extreme climatic conditions, allergies to certain food items or creams used over the face , vitamin A over dosage, psoriasis etc. Longstanding use of certain medications like anti acne drugs, Retin-A, maloprim etc can cause peeling of skin in general.
Maintaining adequate hydration, protection with natural moisturizers, use of over the counter cream quahog can help in coping with the situation.
You need to see a dermatologist if peeling does not improve with these measures for further evaluation and confirmation of the cause for this. Best.
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I have had peeling lips for 15 years, and now I've been cured for 3 weeks.  I read an article by Dr. Gott a national medical columnist in the newspaper.  A reader wrote: I, too, had cold sores for years, and nothing I put on prevented them. The sores always took up to 10 days to heal, and I would immediately get another one. My husband is a retired dentist who suggested not using toothpaste that contains sodium lauryl sulfate. CVS brand and Sensodyne ProNamel are two products free of the inactive ingredient. Since making the change, I have not had any more pesky sores. I hope this helps someone else.  Dr. Gott wrote back that lauryl sulfate has been linked to skin problems.

Since making the switch to Sensodyne Pronamel (I use the mint), my peeling has disappeared and my lips have healed.  I now just put lip balm (zims crack cream or aveeno lip balm on twice a day, although I believe probably other ones would work as well).  

I'm trying to get this out to as many people as possible, please try switching to one of these toothpastes (p.s. Dr. Gott said Tom's of Maine also doesn't have lauryl sulfate, but I think I did try it once, and it didn't work like the pronamel for me).

Good luck
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