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Colinergic Urticaria and airborne allergies!

Hey, I'm just looking for advice and to see if anyone else is going through what i am.  I was Diagnosed with chronic Cholinergic Urticaria.  I cant exercise, i cant even go outside in the winter, i break out in hives every single day and every time i do, my throat gets real scratchy, and really gets be scared.  On top of that i'm also highly allergic to dust, molds, pollen, dander, and almost every other airborne allergens.  So when i dont get hives from CU, i get them from the airborne allergens.  I'm currently taking hydroxizine, 50mg four times a day, periactin 8mg 4 times a day, and 150mg of zantac twice a day, with little relief.  It helps the itching a bit, but i still break out.  I've tried cotazone shots, prednisone, xyzal, cleratin, allegra.  Nothing is helping! On top of all of that, because of the prednisone, i gained 60 lbs and canned shed them because i cant exercise!!!
I'm at the end of my rope, i just really need help......please
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I see that you are having the problem of chronic urticaria.It is defined as urticaria that persists for longer than 6 weeks. In most of the cases of chronic urticaria, the underlying pathology is idiopathic i.e it is not linked to any cause. It is essential to rule out the presence of serious illnesses of which recurring hives can be a symptom. Examples are hepatitis, hyperthyroidism, lymphomas, collagen vascular diseases, and cancers of the rectum, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Chronic infections such as chronic sinusitis can be associated with urticaria.

I feel that you should find out the cause of your chronic urticaria by ruling out the various conditions causing it.Also if these air borne allergens are the cause of urticaria in your case,then pls try avoiding them.

I hope that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.

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Consult your physician for using montelukast,newer drug.
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