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HIV infection

i had sex with a sex worker before 2 months, i use condom for inter-cause but my penis was getting soft while doing inter-cause, so then i masturbated with my right hand without removing the condom, when later on the girl pulled my condom and i went on masturbating with same hand after removing the condom, but still i was fail to ***, now i m worried that my hands were wet with a vaginal fluid and i masturbated with same hand, do i have risk of getting infected, please guide my on this, i also got sore throat 2 time after this incident.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Only when there is direct mixing of body fluids, does HIV transmission occur. This is because the virus does not live outside. However to clarify your doubts, you can have ELIZA test, which is a screening test done. Discuss these options with your consulting doctor.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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Thanks a lot Madam,

But Can you please tell me that after reading my incident, can you feel, that i was in Risk of getting Infected, my sore throat is not going and i am worried because next month i am getting married. i dont know what to do,  i am not getting enough courage to do the test also, thinking if the result is positive and then if result is declared to everyone, my parents will be insulted, do know any place in Mumbai where result is kept secret. please help me, Madam, i dont wanna spoil my future, it was my 1st time i had inter-cause in my life and now i m feeling so bad that why i did that mistake. can i get your clink no. i want to talk with you.
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i mention you before that, my penis was getting soft while inter-cause, does it have a risk of getting vaginal fluid inside the condom ?
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Understand your predicament. As there was no mixing of body fluids it's unlikely that you may have developed HIV infection. Persisting throat infection could be due to other causes like post nasal drip or tonsillitis. But if you are in doubt, have yourself evaluated for HIV, it will help clear your worries.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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I don't know about where you live here we have an STD clinic which will do the tests anonymously. You are given a number, and when you come back you present your number to get the test results. If you phone your local HIV/AIDS office they will be able to inform you. As well your doctor's files are usually protected under privacy laws meaning that they will not divulge your HIV/AIDS status.

You would have to be one unlucky guy to get HIV/AIDS from what you describe. It is possible. Any mixing of vaginal fluids on the tip of your penis can cause infection. And HIV usually remains dormant for a period of time. Meaning that throat infections would only happen once you moved from being HIV positive to having full blown AIDS which can take years.

You owe it to your fiance to get tested. You could kill her. If you love her you will get tested. Because you may also have another STD. I know one family in which the wife was killed by the HIV status of her husband. She died before him. Can you imagine living with that reality?

Choose to be a good man. Buck up and get tested. If your result is positive you'll be able to deal with it, and if it is negative you can relax. You will likely need two tests a few months apart as it can take a while for the HIV virus to create enough to show up on the test.

Do the right thing, otherwise the guilt will eat you alive.
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Madam, i was involved ricky activity in oct 2011, and i was tested hiv negative on dec 2012 after more then 1year. Do you think it can be false ? Do i need to repeat the test or i can assure then i am hiv negative. Please sugguest me about this.
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