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neurontin/Lyrica angioedema?

I now know that the drugs Neurontin and Lyrica can produce angioedema, but how can I be sure it is not from something else.  First with Neurontin 300 mg. HS on 5th morning my lower lip looked slightly swollen and white underneath as if I had had Botox.  A month later I was put on Lyrica 50 mg. HS which was really beginning to resolve the C7 radicultitis when I awoke on day 13 with both lips slightly swollen, thick, same whiteness below lower lip.  That was yesterday morning.  No problems with tongue, throat, etc. My lips are still the same today.  My eyes feel slightly irritated, but no other symptoms except slightly swollen abdomen.  I'm 61, 5'5", 108 lbs.

Is this angioedema?  What is in these drugs that is the causative agent?  The only other drug that has ever given me a problem was a sulfa NSAID and 3rd dose gave me hives all over my abdomen.

Should I follow up with a dermatologist about this?   Or is this more in the allergist's realm?
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Hi everyone. Thanks so much for sharing your info. I have a niece that has been constantly going through swelling of the ankles, hands that tingles, eyes that swell as if someone hit her in them about 5 times, as well as her lips. She have told me that she gets this tingling feel right before every part of her body whelps and swell up.She also stated that she has to quickly get Benadryl in her and right before my eyes her swelling starts to go down. (Can someone help her find the right medicine to take, because she is taking Benadryl on a daily basis just to prevent and outbreak, and last night was worse than before, because she felt her skull tightening up. Thanks for your help. Ronda
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It was nice of you to update us.

Do keepus posted about how you are doing and the current medications you are taking.

Post us if you have any other queries.

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I saw my physiatrist today and we discussed the Lyrica, Benadryl, and the appearance of my lower lip.  Since the lip has remained the same for 7 days, he feels it is okay to continue with both drugs, especially since I got such great nerve pain relief days 12-16 the first time around with the Lyrica.  I will, of course, be alert for any changes.  I may also get one of the drugs you listed in your post to have in the house in case the Benadryl doesn't work.  

Thank you for your help and interest.
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Glad the post was some help to you.

Have you taken oral antiallergic or antihistamine medications for your symptoms? Take loratadine or cetrizine , it will help the lip swelling to subside.

It would be nice of you to write back and keep us posted about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

Also let us know about how your appointment goes.

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Thank you for your response.  While the lower lip remains the same, the nerve pain came back strongly.  I do take Benadryl at HS.  Late yesterday I hated the arm pain, so took Lyrica and Benadryl at the same time......my lips don't look as bad as a google image search for angioedema.  I do see my physiatrist on Tuesday and if in the meantime I have an increase in symptoms, of course I will stop the Lyrica.  No change in appearance today......

You have to wait months to get an appt. with an allergist around here.  I'll let you know next week what the doc says.  

Thank you again for your response.
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You should consult an allergy specialist - especially since you have had allergic reactions in the past and are allergic to specific drugs/ medications.

Have you taken oral antiallergic or antihistamine medications for your symptoms? Take loratadine or cetrizine , it will help the lip swelling to subside.

You could talk to your doctor/ allergy specialist about the symptoms that you are having and after a clinical examination he/she would be able to tell you whether this is an allergic reaction to the drugs.

Let us know about any other doubts that you have and about how you are doing.

Post us about what the doctor advises.

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