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Recent Allergy/Asthma Symptoms New Apartment


I recently moved into an apartment (someone else has been living there for a few years with no apparent symptoms).  I noticed that the bedroom was very dusty, and I've tried my best to vacuum/steam clean and reduce the dust.  There are also roaches in the kitchen that come out at night that the complex is trying to get rid of.  

I started having cold like symptoms which I thought would go away, until I started having a persistent cough with mild congestion.  It was difficult to breathe and there was tightness in my chest.  I went to the doctor and was put on a nebulizer and diagnosed with allergies and acute bronchospasm.  I was prescribed Flonase, Claritin, and an Albuterol inhaler to use when needed.

The symptoms went away for a few days (it seemed like after the first roach treatment) but now they are back.  I noticed that they seemed to get better once they sprayed for roaches, but I also woke up with what seemed like dirt in my nostrils.  

I'm trying to do everything I can to avoid moving right out but I keep having to use my inhaler.  

Please let me know if you have any ideas on what could be done to fix this.

Thank you
2 Responses
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14986748 tn?1443420562
The symptoms of the Asthma is explained. If you have any of the symptoms in above explanation you have a asthma.
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14986748 tn?1443420562
Suffering with cough, chest tightness, wheezing and difficulty in breathing? These symptoms are generally referred to Asthma. Asthma is a chronic disorder, it affects the  airways that carry air to and from your lungs. Sometimes asthma blocks the airways such that oxygen fails to enter the lungs at the time patient may require urgent hospitalization. Asthma can start at an any age. It cause mainly due to infections of chest, smoking and dust, allergies to animals, genetics. Suffering with asthma is difficult to maintaining the life healthy. Homeocare international provides natural remedies  to avoid asthma problems.
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