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Sever Allergies

So I have suffered from daily allergies all of my life. Every winter I would be so sick I would miss tons of school, at least a month every year. I thought I had a horrible immune system, and was really embarrased that I was always sick. Just recently I was diagnosed with rhinitis and given a steroid nasal spary. It worked for two months. My symptoms are back. I'm dizzy, exhausted, sometimes confused. I feel disoriented at
times, have headaches and migraines. I have trouble working and am having vision problems. My pupils will dialate and throw me off. Can all of this be caused by allergies?  I'm so frustrated. Tired of feeling so icky ALL OF THE TIME.
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Hi everyone.. i just recently started to have this same problem 4 months ago. I've become allergic to all the lip balms/ products out there. Like u guys, i've had the itching, rash, swelling, redness, tiny bumps around the edges of my lips, etc etc. So finally i went to the doctor. He checked my nose, and told me that i got a lot of polyps (they form around the nostrils when u have allergies or asthma). He told me that it was the main reason why i've always had a dry mouth/lips, because i've been breathing through my mouth. He said that explains why i was also super sensitive to chemicals or to anything that i put on my lips. So tomorrow, i'm seeing an ENT (Ear, nose & throat) specialist to treat my polyps. I'm praying & hoping that maybe after that, i would get rid of this crazy allergies and be myself again.

So guys, if u have the allergy symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes or nose/throat, along with the crazy, dry lip allergy.. Have your noses checked!! :) :) :)

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5071436 tn?1363155001
The best solution to your sickness is you just use a regular dose of olive leaf extract it will definitely help you as it has a strong anti-bacterial as well as anti-oxidant properties.
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