1839299 tn?1318522810

Sinuses are inflammed...n dizziness

Iv suffered with sinus problems for the last 11 yrs....wen they do inflame i get massive headaches...toothpains...dizzy spells....sweats....blurry vision...the feelin that im goin to fall which then causes me to have panic attacks. I went to my old doctor and she took some tests but cudnt fina anythin wrong. It disappeared after 6 wks then came bk months later n then lasted for months. It finally went again n i didnt have any probs for around 2 yrs. Then it all came bk. It was so horrible i cudnt shop or go out...it was hard for me to take my kids to school as i jus felt drunk but without it bein fun it was so scary. Its affected my social life because when it happens i tend to isolate myself off because i dont just feel like me. Anyway i went to the doc a diff one this time and he told me i had glue ear n prescribed me some beconase.....it seemed to do the trick....no more probs until a few wks ago :( came on all of a sudden wen i was drivin....iv never felt more scared. My sinuses r up my right ear feels full i feel like iv got vertigo but my new doc doesnt seem to think so. My teeth hurt i feel dizzy and goin shoppin today and turnin corners was just horrid i felt like i was going to fall. My new doc has given me antihistemines and booked me for a hearing test. She has related my problems to anxiety disorder and panic attacks.....i cant see how these can bring on all these symtoms...but after reading someones blog it all relates to my sinuses which bring on all the other symptoms. I feel like im goin crazy after having a baby 10 wks ago...im so scared incase i crash or drop him and my other 2 boys have just learnt to help me wen i get these probs. Does anyone no anythin more about the symptoms iv had and if they r all related??
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

Sinus infections can cause stuffiness of the nose with nasal blockage, which can make breathing through the nose difficult. It can also cause post nasal drip and lead to an irritation in the throat. This could also result in throat infections.

There are tubes called ‘Eustachian tubes’ which connect the middle ear to the throat, this balances the air pressure in the ears. This tube can get blocked due to infections of the throat, which can give lead to a feeling of fullness in the ears. This can also result in infection of the ears. The blocked ears can be opened up by the valsalva maneuver, where air is blown into the cheeks against a closed nostrils, this sometimes helps to open up the tubes. Steam inhalations can help clear the tube. Please consult your family physician.  

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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1839299 tn?1318522810
Thank u for ur reply :) i do agree with u on the Eustachian tubes....but my doc doesnt think its my ears. I dont get anxious in crowds or big spaces i love the outdoors and love my social life so i dont think its anxiety probs. Im goin to mention to her on tuesday about the tubes n c wot she says. I do panic wen it happens coz it seems wen my sinuses r playin up n it makes me feel off balance i do definately panic because the feelin of fallin n vision goin blurry is horrible. Along with the fast breathing n sweats. It happened again today n i no its not just me....its somethin in my ears. Should i just stick my head ova a bowl of steamin water with towel ova it n inhale or is there sumthin i cud buy to do this?? Thanks again :)
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