3125506 tn?1343410023

red spots/rashes on my legs

my name is mhey, i have been to doctor to check up my legs and he said it was not an allergy,. it was hormone imbalance, i also did blood test and Im dna positive I dont know what is it exactly. can u pls help me what should i do. the food i have to eat or what is the best thing to do. it's really not good i dont even wear a shorts. these spots are come and go, coming and disappear.
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"DNA positive?"  What is that supposed to mean?  "Hormone imbalance?"

I would recommend you ask for a referral to a Dermatologist Specialist.  This physician you have now doesn't have a clue.  

This could be a NUMBER of things.  

Is it itchy and is it just on your legs?
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Would like to hear what your thoughts are on what could be some causes. My girl friend the same issue, that started up 6-8 months ago.

Itchy red bumps mostly only below the knees, comes and goes.
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This could be a NUMBER of things and I would advise her (your gf) to consult a Dermatologist to investigate this.
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look up Morgellons or bird mites
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