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Sun Allergy?

My lips swelled up out-of-the-blue a week ago. I'm thinking it was a sun allergy because I'd just come from a 4-day seaside vacation. And, although I was very good with sunscreen on most of my body, I feel I may have neglected my lips. I'm pretty sure it's not a food allergy as I ate very simply that day (I did have a couple walnuts but I'd been eating walnuts all weekend, and most of my life, and nothing occurred.) I've been trying to treat naturally with aloe and stinging nettle drops (natural antihistamine). The swelling has mostly disappeared, however, a blister still remains on my upper lip as well as some sensitivity and numbness. (FYI three clear blisters formed while my lips were swollen but all have healed except for one). Wondering what this might be and if taking Benadryl at this point might still be helpful?
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I like using Neosporin Overnight Renewal Therapy. It really helps healing and soreness. I've also used it through the day as well
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Benedryl will probably not help right now. Future reference, buy Burt's bees sunscreen lip balm. I live in Florida and it's a must.
The one blister will heal on its own.
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