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Tegaderm allergy

I've had minor reactions to Tegaderm before, but my skin reacted in such a way that no doubt that this is an allergic reaction to Tegaderm that I suffered last night when the ER put in an IV port.  I have an obvious burn from this material that is used to hold the IV port in place.  I didn't know what it was called, so I called the ER department to ask them what it was called, so I could add it to my list of medication allergies.  It's not really a medication, of course, but they need to be aware of this allergy nevertheless.  When I was asking what this stuff was called, the male nurse I was talking to asked me what it looked like.  He confirmed that this is an allergy.

I am not really surprised that I developed this allergy, because I am allergic to band-aids.  I have been for many years now.  I also have a chemical burn from the cloth first aid tape that they used on my other arm when they drew blood.  It's not quite as severe as the Tegaderm burn.  It's pretty apparent that I'm allergic to the adhesives used in medical and first aid tapes.

I've used Benadryl topically on the allergy sites, and I've taken it orally.  It hasn't calmed down that much at all.

My question is this:  The chemical burns are pretty painful.  Do you have any other suggestions that would help sooth the allergy sites for the first couple of days, 'til the symptoms start calming down?  I'm not sure how long this is going to take for it to calm down this time, because this is more severe than I've ever had before.
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I have discovered the hard way I am extremely allergic to Tegaderm.

I have post op a blistered itchy red fiery rash over my incision that developed post op day 2-3 where the Tegaderm was placed.

I am now post op day 7 and still miserable with this.  It is more distressing then the surgery was !

What are my alternatives for next time around ?
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While in the hospital for shingles, the nurse used Tegaderm for my IV.  Immediately blisters appeared.  She took IV out and restarted on my wrist.  Within seconds, blisters appeared under the Tegaderm.  I asked her to stop using Tegaderm but she was aggravated that she had to once again restart the IV and this time she started it on my lower left arm.  Three blisters the size of half dollars appeared instantly.  She ripped off the tegaderm and with it came my skin.  A week later I was back in the hospital for an infection down to my bone.  It was horribly painful.  I now have a 3x2 hole in my arm.  But my story doesn't end there.  This past Feb. I was again in the hospital (Shingles) but I chose not to go to the same hospital.  I made completely certain that my chart was noted allergic to Tegaderm.  I did not want to ever go through that again.  However, I got a night nurse that didn't believe me.  I asked him to use clear tape because I am fine with that - he ignored me and put ANOTHER TEGADERM on it!! That also got infected!  I have been through this twice and it is hard to convince medical staff that I am severely allergic to Tegaderm.  I wondered if I was the only one - but I have started to see other comments out there.  My suggestion - try clear tape - that worked for me but unfortunately the nurse didn't believe me.  Now I have another hole on the same arm!
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I have an IV (picc line) in from an infection and recently found out that I too am severely allergic to tegederm. I was bleeding with a severe rash under it and then they had to clean it with alcohol to change the dressing to another material. I thought I was gonna go through the roof!
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Hi- thanks for your post- my friend put a Tegaderm dressing on a wound for me yesterday, it is good to see the would as it is transparent but around the wound I have lots of small white blisters and I can see now that it is a reaction to the adhesive- thankfully I will see a nurse in 2 hours time who hopefully can give me a more suitable dressing. Your post has alerted me to the possibility of irritation and I have now peeled it back as far as I can without exposing my would- cleaned it with salt water and put aloe vera from an ale vera plant on to sooth it.
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