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Titanium and allergies

I have had asthma since childhood but I have always been very athletic and able bodied as my asthma was always well managed with the use of my rescue inhaler.

Then I had back surgery in 2001.The doctors used titanium screws as part of the procedure for my spinal fusion.
Since then my asthma has changed drastically for the worse.I can no longer do many of the physical things I used to enjoy.I cant tolerate any type of perfumes.I had to stop camping because I cant tolerate wood smoke.I have asthma everyday and I have family leave from work so that im able to come home when my symptoms are severe.Im being cared for by a pulmonary specialist and he has had me on every imaginable drug for asthma including Zolair,which is injected once a month.
I really dont get any relief from all my treatments and now I highly suspect that this was all caused by the Titanium screws in my body.
I wonder if this has happened to anyone else?
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That surgery must have modulated your immune response. Titanium is bio-inert. Normally, it should not lead to allergy. Start exercising. It will help.
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this is a sign that your organs are not eliminating toxins..go to a chiropractor for a couple treatments and see if this doesnt get better....it worked for me when nothing else would..plus drink plenty of water to help organs flush out toxins...

allergies: i was told by an allergist can start or increase from major changes in life..however i still believe the chiro care can help allergies and a whole lot more...been going for 25 yrs...they have helped a multitude of issues.
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