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Unknown cause for Allergen Attacks?

Hello, This enquiry is regarding recent and past allergies.
I am currently an adolescent, have had two instances of allergy, also my younger sister has anaphylaxis and I used to be allergic to eggs (however definitely not the cause of these incidents)

1. My most recent allergic reaction (2 weeks ago)
- Felt fine all morning, did not eat anything before reaction occurred
- Sat in an outdoor area, began to develop burning ears, inner ear pain, swelling eyes, hives on neck, inner arm, armpits, back of legs (none of which were itchy)
- No feelings of sickness, no difficulty in breathing etc, merely external symptoms
- Blood tested for outdoor allergens (all negative) HOWEVER IgE at 800 instead of normal 100

2. Past allergic reaction (3 years ago)
- At a party which involved both makeup application from an external makeup artist, but also intake of a variety of foods, no outdoor exposure
- Hives and itchiness all over body , particularly abdomen and tops of legs (after dinner and dessert)
- Severely swollen eye
- Collapse within 5 minutes of swollen eye (unconsciousness lasting approx. 10 seconds)
- One episode of Vomiting  (approx. 15-20 minutes of collapse)
- Broad screen blood test for allergies (all negative)

I am unsure whether these incidents are related, however both have occurred very suddenly without explanation or known cause. I have been blood tested both times and no allergens have been discovered.

Could there be a cause or prevention? Thanks.
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When your doctor ran the blood tests, what did s/he suggest? I think it can be hard to root out unknown allergens, especially when you're reacting infrequently.  But I would think your physician should be able to give you some direction for follow-up.
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Hi Slightlycosmo, my doctor suggested to see an allergist which seems fair. Just wanted to check if anyone had ever experienced something similar!

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