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Surprised I don't see more posts about this, but I guess not many people have problems with it...

A few years ago, I had started having major stomach problems. I was getting sick, weak, bloated, having heart palpitations, severe heartburn, had no appetite and had lost 22 pounds in less than two weeks...at one point I ended up in the ER with severe dehydration. I couldn't figure out what was going on as I had been drinking plenty of fluids.

I went to my doctor, he wasn't much help. Just gave me a prescription for stomach meds (which, incidentally, gave me insomnia).

Anyway, I figured it had to be something I was eating that was causing some sort of food allergy. So, I stopped eating a lot of foods that I thought might be causing it, but was still having problems. I couldn't figure it out.

Then I realized I had been drinking Propel for about the same time I had been having the problems. So, I looked at the ingredients, and saw Sucralose. I did some research and found that many other people were having similar problems, so I figured it had to be the sucralose or the high concentrations of maltodextrin that sucralose has in it. I stopped drinking the Propel and started getting better within a few days.

But now I have to be very careful of what I eat. A lot of things that aren't advertised as "diet" or "sugar free" or "low sugar" contain sucralose. Case in point, I suffer from GERD and use antacids a lot. I started taking Pepcid Complete, and the symptoms actually started getting worse. So, I read the label, and - lo and behold - it has sucralose in it. Even if I take one of the Pepcid Completes, I have issues for days.

I even have to check the ingredients of the medications I take. Any amount of sucralose sets my gastrointestinal system in disarray.

So, that's my story...has anyone had similar issues with sucralose?
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I also suffer horribly with intestinal issues when I ingest sucralose.  I have to read every single cough medicine, cough drop and yogurt label to make sure I am not eating something that has it. They put it in everything! It causes severe discomfort to me and probably to the people around me, to put it nicely.  I have the same reaction to Stevia. Both products are touted as "safer" than saccharin or aspartame but those don't make me sick.
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