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Very High IgE

I have had high IgE for over 3 years. It started out at over 86,000
and over time it has droped to 11,000 and has stayed there for
9 months. I don't know what caused it to drop or why it is so high.
I have been tested for a whole host of things and everything comes
back negative. What can I do to get it within normal rande?
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584252 tn?1218223686
Hi, my daughters ige came back high but not as high as yours, but i think it depends on the range they use, Zoes range was 0.5-29.0 hers came back total ige of 291.0. Zoe is only 17mths old and she has severe reflux they actually checked her milk allergy which they said came back negative but yet she reacts quite quickly to milk and it cancels out her meds she is on. They are going to do further blood tests, skin ***** tests and food challenges as blood test alone are not accurate. Zoe is also very hyper and suffers from stomach cramps at night. What symptoms do you have? Sharon x
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IgE stands for human Immunoglobn type E which is responsible for the development of allergy and an important part the Immune system.

There may be many causes for raised IG e including, allergies, atopy, Hpyer-IgE syndrome etc.

Each of this is a distinct disorder and would need evaluation accordingly.

Could you please indicate what prompted the need to get your IgE evaluated and if you were having any disorders in the past.

This may be help to help us understand the cause and effect relationship.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you may need more information.

Best regards
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