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Water/sinus problems?

How much water does everyone drink on  a daily basis? how many people have been diagnosed with sinus problems?
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I have a water bottle that I refill about 3 - 4 times a day.  I think it holds 20 oz of water, but I can't remember right now.  I drink other liquids as well, but that is the measured water that I drink.  I will have to measure it later.  All liquids count in the 8 - 8 oz glasses as well as water.  Water in your foods counts as well.

Most people with respiratory allergies have some sinus problems.  I take anithistamines and decongestants every day.  Those are dehydrating meds.  To off set that I try to drink more than the recommend amounts mentioned by SassieLassie.  

Also water thins mucous.  So, if you are congested and only getting the recommended amount of water, your mucous can be too think to expel easily.  If you drink extra water when allergies or a cold come along, that will help to keep the mucous thinner so that you can get rid of it easier.

Does that help.
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363281 tn?1714899967
You should drink at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size, so, you can see that we need to be hydrated at all times, if not, we will suffer all kinds of problems.
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