1083155 tn?1256261696

Why do I sweel randomly only in the months of Oct- Nov

In October 2008 I woke up with a swollen lip. I thought it was maybe a spider bite, or that I bit my lip in the middle of the night. Two days later it happened again. I still didn't think anything of it and let it be. I had never been allergic to anything in my whole life. One week later I woke up with hives everywhere, a swollen eye, lip, tounge, ear and foot. All at once. I went to the emergency room and was given benadryl. Three days later my tounge again. I went to the doc he gave me steriods and sent me to a allergist. I went to the allergist 5 days later with my eye swollen and on steriods cause the swelling would not stop. I had to have a dose of at least 20mg to get it to stop for a day. The allergist tested me 4 different days and times for all airbourne and food allergies and I came up allergic to everyhting. LITERALLY!! He came to the conclusion that maybe it was some type of mold in the air so he put me on diflucan for 2 months. In december I was fine again. I was fine again all the way up till last week Oct 2009. I woke up with a swollen tounge and throat to where I couldn't even swallow. Luckily I had a couple steriods left over and I took 2. Then 2 days later my lip swelled. I cannot understand what is happening to me and why it is only happening in the fall?? No one has ever gave me a epi-pen or a explination what is wrong with me. Im supposed to go see a different allergist on Thursday put part of me dosn't want to go spend all that money again if no one can help me. Does anyone have anything like this?? Help me??? Why is it only in the fall???
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How are you? I'm sorry to hear what you've been through for the past few days. Seasonal allergies is pretty common and an effective strategy against many allergens is avoidance. It is good that you were able to identify the allergens responsible. Avoiding exposure is difficult but this is the best way to prevent any future attacks. Be proactive and check with your doctor for proper management. Swelling is a very significant symptom and you have to talk to your doctor about this. It will also help to have medicine with you always.

Take care and do keep us posted.
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1083155 tn?1256261696
I don't know what it is thats the problom. :(
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A seasonal allergy is an allergic reaction to a trigger that is typically only present for part of a year, such as spring or fall. Weed pollen is the main cause of seasonal allergy in the late summer and early fall. In most areas, pollen is measured, counted, and  identified. Your  allergy specialist was able to identify the triggers/allergens responsible. And this is already a start in your treatment. These allergens are responsible in releasing chemicals in your body like histamine  which triggers swelling and other allergic reactions. It is important that you take medication to stop the release of histamine and to prevent allergic reactions such as the swelling. Talk to your doctor about this and discuss how to manage your symptoms. Think positive and everything will be fine.

Take care and hope to hear from you again.
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