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I have been getting allergy shots for almost a year(1 x week). I am really sick...allergy wise. But it isnt the runny nose, itchy eyes, headache. It is the severe fatigue. It has affected my whole life . I have tries allergy meds, holistic stuff, and shot

I need help. My allergies have affected my life to the point where I can barely get to work. It isnt the runny nose, or the itchy eyes or the headaches.....its the severe fatigue. I feel like I have the flu everyday. I have been getting allergy shots for almost a year, I have tried various medications both Rx and holistic. My PCP has no idea what to do, my  allergist is clueless....I have heard about the Kenalog shot and am so close to getting it but am afraid of the side effects.
Is it worth the risk to try the Kenalog? Do people get severe fatique with allergies?
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it is important to diagnose the cause of fatigue. Moderate fatigue can be present with allergic disorders but there will some concomitant or associated diseases. Chronic fatigue is usually seen in some generalized conditions like anemia, abnormal sleeping posture, viral infection (with or without fever), Depression, electrolyte abnormality etc. Even hypothyroidism should be ruled out as fatigue and body ache is its classical symptoms.

The other serious disease which is associated with fatigue and body ache are HIV infection, lymphoma and other blood dyscriasis, muscular dystrophy and other neurological disorders.

Hence, baseline blood tests should be limited to a complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, standard blood chemistries, and thyroid function tests. Meantime, having nutritious food, OTC pain killers, skeletal muscle relaxants against prescription, hot water bath and body massage will help.

Kenalog contains a steroid i.e. Triamcinolone, which will help to reduce the allergic symptoms and can help reduce fatigue. The treatment course should be for short term to avoid long term side effects. Meantime get evaluated for other conditions. I suggest you to consult physician for detailed evaluation and treatment of the cause. Take care and regards.
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746512 tn?1388807580
I use to get severe fatigue from allergies as well.  Two supplements helped me a lot, Vit D (2000 IU a day) and  3-4g of fish oil daily.  

Allergy shots also didn't seem to help that much until I was on biweekly shots (roughly 13-14 months).  Give them some more time.  :)
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