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alergic symptoms titanium dioxide

Hi, I have done a blood test - I'm alergic of dioxine Titanium ! What are the clinical symptoms of this kind of allergy ?
Thanks for your help
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there is a lab in new jersey that will do the melisa test....if u go on the melisa test site....they have a link to all the labs that will do the test...only one in the united states...but a test kit can b sent to u and u can bring to ur clinics lab to have drawn and then it is your resposibility to ship it to the lab...n bloodwrk is time sensitive....but i hope this info helps u...i too am in the process of getting the test.....for all of the same reasons posted on other stories... ;)
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I have titanium implants in my spine and have had an immune disorder since they were put in, and progressive muscle loss. I have been concerend its the titanium because I have severe deep itch type pain in the implants still  1 1/2 yrs after my surgery. Would titanium dioxide be the same as the titanium in orthopedic implants, and would the Melisa test tell me if Im allergic to the implants ? I have itching with meds I take as well, and lately I am realizing the pain in my implants is worse after I drink milk.I heard of the Melisa test, but was told you have to have a Drs order to get a kit. I found one Melisa lab that was offering the test for free temporarily but they needed a Drs order. The allergy Dr I saw would not write an order because she didnt feel the Melisa test was validated enough. :(
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   your doctor and dentist will definitly tell you it is not a titanium allergy as titanium is a non-allergic metal, therefore, closed case.  don't even think you will prove them wrong by having the offending metal removed and see a hundred percent improvement.  that just means you have changed up something else in your life that has made a difference.  my problems started with an over active thyroid, had it ablated (killed) and about two weeks later puffed up like a blow fish.  went back to doctor to ask about a diuretic as i knew my body was unable to deal with anything as the thyroid controls all of your bodily functions.  prior to the ablation i was diagnosed with high blood pressure, never had that before as i donated blood on a regular bases and they kept close track on that.  suddenly i had two dental implants(titanium) go bad.  they went sideways in my jaw and i developed a bacterial infection from the gap that developed from the shifting had them removed.  doctor and dentist claimed to have never seen this happen before.  i believe this was the start of my allergy to titanium dioxide.  it had actually been brewing in my body for years.  add cosmetics, sunscreen, deoderant, toothpaste,body lotion, fragrance, shampoo,conditioner,gum,breathmints,snackcakes,hair dye nail polish
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   your doctor and dentist will definitly tell you it is not a titanium allergy as titanium is a non-allergic metal, therefore, closed case.  don't even think you will prove them wrong by having the offending metal removed and see a hundred percent improvement.  that just means you have changed up something else in your life that has made a difference.  my problems started with an over active thyroid, had it ablated (killed) and about two weeks later puffed up like a blow fish.  went back to doctor to ask about a diuretic as i knew my body was unable to deal with anything as the thyroid controls all of your bodily functions.  prior to the ablation i was diagnosed with high blood pressure, never had that before as i donated blood on a regular bases and they kept close track on that.  suddenly i had two dental implants(titanium) go bad.  they went sideways in my jaw and i developed a bacterial infection from the gap that developed from the shifting had them removed.  doctor and dentist claimed to have never seen this happen before.  i believe this was the start of my allergy to titanium dioxide.  it had actually been brewing in my body for years.  add cosmetics, sunscreen, deoderant, toothpaste,body lotion, fragrance, shampoo,conditioner,gum,breathmints,snackcakes,hair dye nail polish
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   your doctor and dentist will definitly tell you it is not a titanium allergy as titanium is a non-allergic metal, therefore, closed case.  don't even think you will prove them wrong by having the offending metal removed and see a hundred percent improvement.  that just means you have changed up something else in your life that has made a difference.  my problems started with an over active thyroid, had it ablated (killed) and about two weeks later puffed up like a blow fish.  went back to doctor to ask about a diuretic as i knew my body was unable to deal with anything as the thyroid controls all of your bodily functions.  prior to the ablation i was diagnosed with high blood pressure, never had that before as i donated blood on a regular bases and they kept close track on that.  suddenly i had two dental implants(titanium) go bad.  they went sideways in my jaw and i developed a bacterial infection from the gap that developed from the shifting had them removed.  doctor and dentist claimed to have never seen this happen before.  i believe this was the start of my allergy to titanium dioxide.  it had actually been brewing in my body for years.  add cosmetics, sunscreen, deoderant, toothpaste,body lotion, fragrance, shampoo,conditioner,gum,breathmints,snackcakes,hair dye nail polish
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   your doctor and dentist will definitly tell you it is not a titanium allergy as titanium is a non-allergic metal, therefore, closed case.  don't even think you will prove them wrong by having the offending metal removed and see a hundred percent improvement.  that just means you have changed up something else in your life that has made a difference.  my problems started with an over active thyroid, had it ablated (killed) and about two weeks later puffed up like a blow fish.  went back to doctor to ask about a diuretic as i knew my body was unable to deal with anything as the thyroid controls all of your bodily functions.  prior to the ablation i was diagnosed with high blood pressure, never had that before as i donated blood on a regular bases and they kept close track on that.  suddenly i had two dental implants(titanium) go bad.  they went sideways in my jaw and i developed a bacterial infection from the gap that developed from the shifting had them removed.  doctor and dentist claimed to have never seen this happen before.  i believe this was the start of my allergy to titanium dioxide.  it had actually been brewing in my body for years.  add cosmetics, sunscreen, deoderant, toothpaste,body lotion, fragrance, shampoo,conditioner,gum,breathmints,snackcakes,hair dye nail polish
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