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alergic symptoms titanium dioxide

Hi, I have done a blood test - I'm alergic of dioxine Titanium ! What are the clinical symptoms of this kind of allergy ?
Thanks for your help
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Oh man, I thought I was the only one out there with a titanium dioxide allergy! It took me a year to figure out what exactly I was allergic to, but finally, after trying product after product, I realized it was titanium dioxide. Now I wear titanium dioxide free makeup, which I get here: http://www.**************.com/store/.

Anyway, I have to take Lexapro, Lamictal, and Trazodone daily. Every day I get really itchy, but my skin doesn't ever rash. It just itches a lot and gets really uncomfortable. At least one of those medications has titanium dioxide listed as an ingredient, is that what's causing my itchiness? And if so, how can I find some relief without having to stop taking these medications? PLEASE HELP
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1736983 tn?1310609000
O.K. I have a sensitivity to TD, I also have CFS/FM . I have more than 25 years experience in the Alternative Health Industry and Applied Kinesiology. I've learned that most people who have ME/CFS and FM, also have one or more VIRUSES. They usually develop Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). It is just how our bodies work! The XMRV Virus associated with ME/CFS and FM, causes the reactivation of LATENT Viruses. Our Immune Systems are OVERWORKED! If we don't rid our body of this and other viruses, and Heal our Immune System, we will UNDOUBTABLY become more and more ALLERGIC, to food, chemicals, etc.!  Find a Doctor who practices Applied Kinesiologist (often a Chiropractor) Or one who uses a CEDS machine. They often will be able to pinpoint your specific sensitivities.  I learned to do AK myself. I also was Very inspired to go GLUTEN FREE! Which is one way to stop assaulting my immune system.
God Bless!
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OMG !!!!! For the past two years I have been changed from med to med thinking I was crazy!! I was having a breathing problem with each and my doctor would shake his head and try a different one. I found out that when you eat at certain resturants they use silicon dioxiode in the foods. ( this is what I was told) I google this to find out about it and then came to the Titianium Dioxide results.. Now I started thinking back .. I had a "cage" put in my neck as I had a bad disc 2 years ago. This cage my contain Titianium beads maybe ? What I'm thinking is all this Titianium to much for my system ?? Between the meds, makeup ( itching eyes) .. And I feel okay in the morning however I then take my daily med's and it starts all over again. If I eat anything with silicone dioxidoe its worse.      
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What site sold titanium free makeup???
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What site sold titanium free makeup???
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I have spent thousands of dollars purchasing products over the past few months and started performing my own research including talking to chemists of makeup companies.  My problems started years ago with nail polish and nail products.  This year it increased to almost all of my makeup and other personal care products.  The symptoms are identical to those described by others.  Itching, stinging, tongue sensations and actually a taste in my mouth.

I have finally found a physician, Dr. John Apgar in Atlanta that is a chemist and cosmetic dermatoligist.  I started suspecting titaniium dioxide several weeks ago and replaced every makup product.  I also finally found a company that has several nail polish colors that so not contain titanium dioxide.  butter London. You have to expressly ask them for colors that do not contain this chemical and they will provide them.   I cannot express how good I feel to get this out of my system.  I just received my MELISA test and anxious to see the results.  If this proves negative then more chemicals will have to be tested via a patch test.  My last product to try was nail polish and after 3 days of titanium dioxide free nail polish on my toes.....no sensations or reactions. I honestly believe that my research and experiments are yielding a sensitivity to titanium dioxide.  

I  hope that they physician community will pay more attention to these symptoms and this chemical allergy or sensitivity.  I tested basic paper based white out and face paint for children on my arm and it was almost a serious reaction as I started to have breathing problems.  Pay attention to your body on this one.  There are signs and they are not compatible with traditional contact dermatitis.  Catherine
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