975357 tn?1252704723

prepaing to see an allergist

hello there. I made an appointment with an allergist a couple weeks ago, at the time the receptionist told me to stop all antihistamines 1 week prior to visit. I stopped all my h1 blockers (zyrtec, benadryl etc.) but I stupidly continued to take my pepcid (famotidine) and forgot that this is also in the class of antihistamines known as h2 blockers (includes tagamet, pepcid, zantac etc.) Since the receptionist didn't specify and I didn't use by brain lol, is this going to affect my test results in any way, and is it still worth going? my appointment is at 9am its 6am now and I dont want to drive 40 miles if its going to be pointless. someone please help...pref. SOON!

2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, you need to reschedule your visit because famotidine is a H2 anti histamine which can affect the skin allergy testing. Famotidine also is known to suppress allergic reaction and it is used as second line drugs in case if the H1 anti histamines alone are ineffective. Even if you carry out the test it will show false negative. Hence, the reliability of the test results will be questionable. I suggest you to call your physician. Take care and regards.

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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, it typically suggests allergic rhinitis which is exaggerated or precipitated during cold season or timing. This condition is sometimes associated with asthma. The triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms.

A careful nasal examination, Allergen-specific testing includes Skin testing, Serum tests for allergy, Allergen challenge and as well as Evaluation for concurrent conditions like Sinusitis and Asthma is necessary and it directs further steps for management.

You need to take measures to avoid exposure to such allergens. You can try sleeping with windows closed, which will avoid exposure to aero-allergen in the morning. Short course treatment with anti histamines and corticosteroids or saline nasal spray will help to reduce the symptoms.

It should be differentiated from vasomotor rhinitis and Atrophic rhinitis for which consult ENT specialist. Take care and regards.

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