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allergy to titanium

my sister has titanium screws put in her back. since then she has broken out in hives (severe) every day. She has had 3 Anaphylaxis episodes since October 2008. Her Dr. says it's impossible to be allergic to the screws. Is that true? Everyone tells me he's nuts!
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563773 tn?1374246539
Hives (medically known as urticaria) are red, itchy, raised areas of skin that appear in varying shapes and sizes.Many cases of hives are "idiopathic," meaning no cause is known. Others may be triggered by viral infections or medications.
Since the hives have appeared after the titanium screws,so it can be due to an allergic reaction. True allergy to titanium is rare.When titanium is combined with other metals like nickel,then allergy can take place as nickel is a  common sensitizer.

Diagnosis is done by skin patch test or blood tests for allergy. MELISA (Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay) test is a blood test that is confirmatory for metal allergy.

I feel that you should consult your doctor and talk about this allergy and the option of changing the implant as avoidance is the only treatment for metal allergies. Desensitization techniques, such as allergy shots,also are not effective for metal allergies.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how your sister is doing.Kind regards.
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My sister has went back into the allergy specialist. Whom thinks she is allergic to all anti-inflamatories. Which she has been on off and on since her surgury. Thank you for your comment. It just confirmed what I had thought. Thanks again.
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I had 2 cervical neck surgeries a year ago- posterior & anterior. They fused 3 vertabra and inserted 2 pieces of donor bone, titanium alloy Reflex Hybrid and 6 titanium alloy screws. I've been in the hospital 5 times in 1 year with a myriad of health problems (severe infections, widespread skin rashes, brain infection, blood clot, severe joint & muscle pain/fatigue to name a few), NONE of which existed prior to the implant surgery. After an entire year, we finally convinced my GP to send me to allergiest and just as my husband & I suspected, I'm allergic to metals. More specifically I tested positive for Nickle, Cobalt, Zirconium and last but not least Titanium. From all my research, I've discovered that there are a lot of people out there that allergic to Titanium. I'm living proof. Now l have to go through a 3rd surgery to remove the Titanium hardware in my neck. My neurosurgeon told us that there are no allergies to Titanium - he was wrong. Yes, there are Titanium allergies. Be sure to have your allergist test you for metal sensitivity. Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston http://www.spauldingrehab.org/ published a study notating Titanium allergies and their recommended treatment; here's the link http://www.archives-pmr.org/article/S0003-9993(04)00946-3/abstract - on the right click on "Full Text". Good luck.
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