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back, chest, and rib pain for 10 months

I'm 25 white male health 155 lbs, good blood pressure.  For 10 months straight I been getting back pain near spine that radiates round to right side n round rib and straight up towards sternum.  Everyday for 10 months same pain never goes away. I have been through ultra sounds of adomen, cat scans with and with out contrast of chest stomach and pelvic, everything comes out remarkable. Had x rays of chest as well, remarable.  My doctor has given up on me, I seen upper gi doctors medical.  I had so many blood test which doesn't reveal anything. I had every kind of blood work you can think of. All negative, or good.  Can someone please help me. I don't know what to do anemore.
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I have the symptom that you describe and have done for years.
Docs decided that there was nothing wrong after having MRI's bone scans blood tests etc.
In the end i went to a good osteopath and he has diagnosed me with slipped rib syndrome.
My ribs on the left are always clicking and painful, but its the muscle pain in the rest of my back that causes more problems.
I never sleep a whole night with it.
I find stretching is good for it, it helps to separate the ribs back out.
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Thanks for some advice but def isn't gallbladder had ultra souns ans catscan od adomen 3 times n all organs are great.  Def isn't my heart went to a cardiologist and had ekg and stress down.  The slipping rib sounds interesting cause it does click in the front when I caugh, hopw ever as of today its strtn to spread to other side of my spine under arm pits and quadrants near pit and nipples.  Doc won't give me a mri of thorac for some odd reason.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, we can understand when the cause of chest pain is unknown it can be quite annoying. The major source of chest pain is from chest wall, heart, gastrointestinal system and lungs. Any disorder can cause chest pain. In your case here is typical radiating pain which points to spinal nerve root compression due to disc prolapse or herniation. For the proper diagnosis you need to undergo spine MRI. If there is disc prolapse treatment in the form of pain killers, muscle relaxants and corrective surgery can help.

Other possibilities are aortic dissection, Costochondritis (usually experienced on left side), Slipping rib syndrome (ribs can slip and impinge on the intercostal nerve, producing pain) etc. I suggest you to get thorough investigations for above mentioned conditions. I suggest you to consult physician. Take care and regards.
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hi. I had the exact same problem. It turned out that it was a rib that was coming out of place. the pain went from my spine and wrapped around to my sternum. it didnt show up on x-ray because the xray was taken anteriorally and would only notice if the rib had shifted up or down, NOT in or out. found a really great chiro (hard to find these days) and he popped it back in place. immediate relief! even if this isnt your problem, it could also be muscular. sometimes your latismus dorsi muscle can become very tight and cause similiar symptoms
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Have they checked your gallbladder? I had same pain and had testing done to no avail. Come to find out, I had been on antibiotics for so long, spider bite, abcess tooth, flu.... that I was having a reaction to all of those antibiotics giving me a false positive on the gallbladder. The pain you describe sounds like gallbladder. Now this sounds odd but a friend told me to drink 1/4 cup virgin olive oil and the juice of 1 whole lemon, morning and night for 3 days. And the pain went away and has never come back. She told me to drink it and lay down for a while after drinking it so it could work. You may want to try this..it won't hurt you, in fact it's almost like a salad dressing. Tastes bad but if it helps, it's worth a try. Hope this helps.
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