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breathing at night

every night I wake up from a stuffy nose, one side or sometimes both is clogged, but when i get up and start walking around its fine. I feel this is ruining a good night sleep for me since I wake up not feeling refreshed. I do  have allergies to dust and dander, but also clean 3 times a week and have an air filter in my room. What is this and why at night?
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How are you doing now?

Have you tried steam inhalation and saline nasal drops? What has your doctor advised?

Keep us posted.

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I suffer with the same symptoms your describing, in my case, it's sinus/post nasal drip.  What helps reduce or alleviate the symptom, is doing nasal irrigation, 3 times a day.  You can purchase a kit at a pharmacy.  When I sleep at night, I rub a tiny bit of Vicks vapor rub, around the outer edges of my nose.  Use Saline nasal spray, and a humidifier.    
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this sounds like it could be caused by dust mites, we all have dust mites living in our mattress and most people who are allergic to them don't realize it. The allergy is not caused by dust but the waste that these mites give off after feeding on your dead skin.

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You could be having associated sinusitis or rhinitis.

You should try steam inhalation just before you sleep and also saline nasal drops. Breathing exercises also are known to help in some cases. You could try oral antihistamine or antiallergic medications for a few days.

If your symptoms still persist, you should consult your doctor and talk to him / her about your symptoms in detail and also whether you need to see an allergy specialist or ENT specialist.

Let us know if you have any doubts and also keep us posted on how you are doing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.

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