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chronical allergy

i am having chronical allergy with dust, smoke, ac etc.when i come in touch with these my nose become runny nose, eyes become red and scratching.i m taking VOZET 5mg daily at bed time. but want to get rid of it. so plz help me
2 Responses
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1468453 tn?1303495615
Just get an air purifier for your home.
MUCH safer and I don't need any meds at all. Wonderful.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to forum, you are having allergic response to some unknown allergen. The allergens or triggering factors like dust, fog, pollens etc. can cause the precipitation of these symptoms.

Sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes is a protective reflex which occur secondary to exposure to the irritant or allergen, which helps to blow out the irritant. In some individuals there will be Airway hyper responsiveness due which there can be either allergic rhinitis or some other reaction.

There is particular neuronal mechanism exists. Whenever you are exposed to allergen there will be release of histamine, this is responsible for sneezing first and then followed by further release of histamine in the skin leading to itching, runny nose, watery eyes etc. The order may differ from individuals to individuals.

You need to avoid contact with allergen to avoid further complications. Also treatment includes anti histaminic and glucocorticoids against prescription. You can use scarf and air purifier so that you avoid contact with dust and smoke.I suggest you to consult physician for further evaluation and diagnosis based treatment.
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