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constantly smell cigarette smoke

I have been experiencing the same thing for about a week or so--smell cigarette smoke when no smoke exists. Thought it was coming from the AC vent in my office but then started smelling it in car and at home. The strange thing is that when I inhale, sometimes the odor is so real I feel my eyes slightly burning as if I were sitting next to someone smoking. I am 40 yrs. old, never smoked, have been off depression meds for about 8 mos. No recent sinus infections.

This discussion is related to constantly smelling cigarette smoke.
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I have been smelling smoke on and off for about a month or so.  Sure is weird, no?  I don't like it, but it is tolerable. I finally decided to look it up, and feel relieved that others have this same experience.  I guess I'm writing to not feel alone in this.  I will be contacting my doc and perhaps seeing an ENT specialist.  I will post the results.  
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Do you consume dairy products? I had this situation on and off for about 7 years. Up until recently, I didn't have the problem for a long time. I started using butter (grass fed in this instance) more often since I heard it's got some vitamin k2 in it. I started getting the smoke smell in my head again. At first I had no idea what it was. One day I solved the correlation when I had buttered toast in the morning and then put a healthy amount on my rice at lunch. The smoke smell was very dominant later that day and into the next morning. Bingo! I stopped using butter and the smoke smell disappeared. It's been around 3 weeks and still no smoke smell. I even use butter every now and again with no adverse effects. I guess I have an intolerance to butter, but I'm not super sensitive. I'm also not lactose intolerant in the classic sense. I hope this helps in your situation!
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I started smelling cigarette smoke for about 2 mos now. Started to happen after I got home from work,however my husband doesn't smoke and neither do I.  Since it's just us at home I thought it was odd Iask my husband why the house smelled like smoke but he doesn't smell it. I have a 7 year old grand daughter and she says she doesn't smell it either. At times its so strong feels like I have trouble breathing. At first I thought it was somebody has been in the house smokeing when we were not home but we have an alarm system no sign anyone has been there.  My husband thinks I'm losing it. Maybe so! But I am convienced there is another reason for this.  about 3 years ago I lost my sense of taste and smell, gradually it has stared to come back but not the same at it was. I begin to think it was a ghost of my brother that smoked alot, He passed about 2 years ago but we were never close. I know that is crazy thinking but it gets disturbing when you are the only one that smells it. I also have a constant hissing in my ears that started about 7 yrs ago that is getting louder as time goes by.  I used to only hear it when I got still not I hear it all the time. I have a fear of doctors so I haven't been checked but otherwise I'm healthy. I just wish I knew what was causing this smell. because now I'm smelling it 90 % of my day. Hope someone has an answer.
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I have been suffering from this for over 3 years now and nobody can tell me what it is. At first all I could smell is smoke and now the smell has changed but I can't explain what it smells like. I've noticed when I don't eat right and don't drink enough water it gets really bad to the point where I'm nauseous. I have also noticed it isn't as bad when I give up the coffee.
This all started when my doctor put me on antidepressants. I had never suffered from anything until then and now I have this and also tinnitus, constant ringing in my ear. I stopped taking the antidepressants years ago but the symptoms are still there. I'm annoyed at my doctor for prescribing them and at me for taking them.
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JaWiem in Jan 2015 said his wife took 2 antacids and the smell went away. I took one and nothing changed, but then I started taking 2 every morning and it really has helped a lot. It comes back every now and then, but it used to be constant, and if I'm taking the antacids it only happens for a brief moment maybe once a week or every two weeks. For me it must be reflux related, which makes some sense since the smell started when my stress got really bad. Try the antacids - take 2!
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Oh my... I thought I was loosing my mind. I stopped smoking 25 years ago. Over this past year, on and off, I have been having the smell of an ashtray stuck in my nose. I smell it in the car, in my house...everywhere. It is driving me crazy. I did have a sinus infection recently but during that time I didn't have the smell issue.  What the hell is this?
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